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request chassis sib f13 train-link-transmit slot


request chassis sib f13 train-link-transmit slot  SFC-SIB-F13-slot-num

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 10.1.


(TX Matrix Plus router only) Control the transmission link of the specified Switch Interface Board (SIB) of the SFC.


slot SFC-SIB-F13-slot-num

SFC SIB slot number. Replace it with 0, 3, 6, 8 or 11.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

request chassis sib f13 train-link-transmit slot

Output Fields

When you enter this command, the SFC is ready to transmit traffic to the T1600 or T4000 router (LCC).

Sample Output

request chassis sib f13 train-link-transmit slot

user@host> request chassis sib f13 train-link-transmit slot 0

Published: 2013-03-14