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request system software add


request system software add package-name <best-effort-load><delay-restart><force><no-copy> <no-validate> <re0 | re1><reboot><set [package-name package-name]><unlink><upgrade-with-config><upgrade-with-config-format format><validate>

Syntax (EX Series Switches)

request system software add package-name<best-effort-load><delay-restart><force><no-copy> <no-validate> <re0 | re1><reboot><set [package-name package-name]><upgrade-with-config><upgrade-with-config-format format><validate>

Syntax (TX Matrix Router)

request system software add package-name <best-effort-load><delay-restart> <force><lcc number | scc> <no-copy> <no-validate> <re0 | re1><reboot><set [package-name package-name]><unlink><upgrade-with-config><upgrade-with-config-format format><validate>

Syntax (TX Matrix Plus Router)

request system software add package-name <best-effort-load><delay-restart> <force><lcc number | sfc number> <no-copy> <no-validate> <re0 | re1><reboot><set [package-name package-name]><unlink><upgrade-with-config><upgrade-with-config-format format><validate>

Syntax (MX Series Router)

request system software add package-name <best-effort-load><delay-restart><force><member member-id><no-copy> <no-validate> <re0 | re1><reboot><set [package-name package-name]><unlink><upgrade-with-config><upgrade-with-config-format format><validate>

Syntax (QFX Series)

request system software add package-name<best-effort-load><component all><delay-restart> <force><no-copy> <no-validate> <partition><reboot><unlink><upgrade-with-config><upgrade-with-config-format format><validate>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

best-effort-load and unlink options added in Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

sfc option introduced for the TX Matrix Plus router in Junos OS Release 9.6.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.

set [package-name package-name] option added in Junos OS Release 11.1 for EX Series switches.

set [package-name package-name] option added in Junos OS Release 12.2 for M Series, MX Series, T Series routers, and Branch SRX Series Services Gateways.

Note: On EX Series switches, the set [package-name package-name] option allows you to install only two software packages on a mixed EX4200 and EX4500 Virtual Chassis, whereas, on M Series, MX Series, T Series routers, and Branch SRX Series Services Gateways, the set [package-name package-name] option allows you to install multiple software packages and software add-on packages at the same time.

upgrade-with-config and upgrade-with-config-format format options added in Junos OS Release 12.3 for M Series routers, MX Series routers, T Series routers, EX Series Ethernet switches, and QFX Series devices.


Note: We recommend that you always download the software image to /var/tmp only. On EX Series and QFX Series switches, you must use the /var/tmp directory. Other directories are not supported.

Install a software package or bundle on the router or switch.



Location from which the software package or bundle is to be installed. For example:

  • /var/tmp/package-name—For a software package or bundle that is being installed from a local directory on the router or switch.
  • protocol://hostname/pathname/package-name—For a software package or bundle that is to be downloaded and installed from a remote location. Replace protocol with one of the following:
    • ftp—File Transfer Protocol.
      Use ftp://hostname/pathname/package-name. To specify authentication credentials, use ftp://<username>:<password>@hostname/pathname/package-name. To have the system prompt you for the password, specify prompt in place of the password. If a password is required, and you do not specify the password or prompt, an error message is displayed.
    • http—Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
      Use http://hostname/pathname/package-name. To specify authentication credentials, use http://<username>:<password>@hostname/pathname/package-name. If a password is required and you omit it, you are prompted for it.
    • scp—Secure copy (available only for Canada and U.S. version).
      Use scp://hostname/pathname/package-name. To specify authentication credentials, use scp://<username>:<password>@hostname/pathname/package-name.
  • The pathname in the protocol is the relative path to the user’s home directory on the remote system and not the root directory.
  • Do not use the scp protocol in the request system software add command to download and install a software package or bundle from a remote location. The previous statement does not apply to the QFabric switch. The software upgrade is handled by the MGD process which does not support scp.
    Use the file copy command to copy the software package or bundle from the remote location to the /var/tmp directory on the hard disk:
    file copy scp://source/package-name /var/tmp
    Then install the software package or bundle using the request system software add command:
    request system software add /var/tmp/package-name
  • On a J Series Services Router, when you install the software from a remote location, the package is removed at the earliest opportunity in order to make room for the installation to be completed. If you copy the software to a local directory on the router and then install the new package, use the unlink option to achieve the same effect and allow the installation to be completed.

(Optional) Activate a partial load and treat parsing errors as warnings instead of errors.

component all

(QFabric systems only) (Optional) Install software package on all of the QFabric components.


(Optional) Install a software package or bundle, but do not restart software processes.


(Optional) Force the addition of the software package or bundle (ignore warnings).

lcc number

(TX Matrix and TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) In a routing matrix based on the TX Matrix router, install a software package or bundle on a T640 router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to the TX Matrix router. In a routing matrix based on the TX Matrix Plus router, install a software package or bundle on a T1600 router (or line-card chassis) that is connected to the TX Matrix Plus router. Replace number with a value from 0 through 3.

member member-id

(MX Series routers only) (Optional) Install a software package on the specified Virtual Chassis member. Replace member-id with a value of 0 or 1.


(QFX3500 switches only) (Optional) Format and repartition the media before installation.


(TX Matrix routers only) (Optional) Install a software package or bundle on a Routing Engine on a TX Matrix router (or switch-card chassis).

sfc number

(TX Matrix Plus routers only) (Optional) Install a software package or bundle on a Routing Engine on a TX Matrix Plus router (or switch-fabric chassis). Replace number with 0.


(Optional) Install a software package or bundle, but do not save copies of the package or bundle files.


(Optional) When loading a software package or bundle with a different release, suppress the default behavior of the validate option.

re0 | re1

(Optional) On routers or switches that support dual or redundant Routing Engines, load a software package or bundle on the Routing Engine in slot 0 (re0) or the Routing Engine in slot 1 (re1).


(Optional) After adding the software package or bundle, reboot the system. On a QFabric switch, the software installation is not complete until you reboot the component for which you have installed the software.

set [package-name package-name]

(Mixed EX4200 and EX4500 Virtual Chassis only) (Optional) Install two software packages—a package for an EX4200 switch and the same release of the package for an EX4500 switch—to upgrade all member switches in a mixed EX4200 and EX4500 Virtual Chassis.

set [package-name package-name]

(M Series, MX Series, T Series routers, and Branch SRX Series Services Gateways only) (Optional) Install multiple software packages and software add-on packages at the same time.


(Optional) On J Series Services Routers, this option ensures that the software package is removed at the earliest opportunity in order to make room for the installation to be completed. On M Series, T Series, and MX Series routers, use the unlink option to remove the software package from this directory after a successful upgrade is completed.


(Optional) Install one or more configuration files.

upgrade-with-config-format format

(Optional) Specify the configuration file fomat, text or xml. The default format is text.

Note: The upgrade-with-config and upgrade-with-config-format options are only available locally on the router or switch. In a routing matrix, the configuration is applied only to the local router and is not propagated to other routers.

The options are validated during the validation process and applied to the router or switch during the upgrade process. If the upgrade process is successful, the options are removed from the configuration. If the upgrade process fails, the configuration file is renamed with the .failed suffix.


(Optional) Validate the software package or bundle against the current configuration as a prerequisite to adding the software package or bundle. This is the default behavior when the software package or bundle being added is a different release.

Additional Information

Note: The request system snapshot command is currently not supported on the QFabric system. Also, you cannot add or install multiple packages on a QFabric system.

Before upgrading the software on the router or switch, when you have a known stable system, issue the request system snapshot command to back up the software, including the configuration, to the /altroot and /altconfig file systems. After you have upgraded the software on the router or switch and are satisfied that the new package or bundle is successfully installed and running, issue the request system snapshot command again to back up the new software to the /altroot and /altconfig file systems.

After you run the request system snapshot command, you cannot return to the previous version of the software, because the running and backup copies of the software are identical.

If you are upgrading more than one package at the same time, delete the operating system package, jkernel, last. Add the operating system package, jkernel, first and the routing software package, jroute, last. If you are upgrading all packages at once, delete and add them in the following order:

user@host> request system software add /var/tmp/jbase user@host> request system software add /var/tmp/jkernel user@host> request system software add /var/tmp/jpfe user@host> request system software add /var/tmp/jdocs user@host> request system software add /var/tmp/jroute user@host> request system software add /var/tmp/jcrypto

By default, when you issue the request system software add package-name command on a TX Matrix master Routing Engine, all the T640 master Routing Engines that are connected to it are upgraded to the same version of software. If you issue the same command on the TX Matrix backup Routing Engine, all the T640 backup Routing Engines that are connected to it are upgraded to the same version of software.

Likewise, when you issue the request system software add package-name command on a TX Matrix Plus master Routing Engine, all the T1600 master Routing Engines that are connected to it are upgraded to the same version of software. If you issue the same command on the TX Matrix Plus backup Routing Engine, all the T1600 backup Routing Engines that are connected to it are upgraded to the same version of software.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

request system software add validate
request system software add (Mixed EX4200 and EX4500 Virtual Chassis)
request system software add component all (QFabric Systems)

Output Fields

When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.

Sample Output

request system software add validate

user@host> request system software add validate /var/tmp/ jinstall-7.2R1.7-domestic-signed.tgz
Checking compatibility with configuration
Using jbase-7.1R2.2
Using /var/tmp/jinstall-7.2R1.7-domestic-signed.tgz
Verified jinstall-7.2R1.7-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_7_2_0
Using /var/validate/tmp/jinstall-signed/jinstall-7.2R1.7-domestic.tgz
Using /var/validate/tmp/jinstall/jbundle-7.2R1.7-domestic.tgz
Checking jbundle requirements on /
Using /var/validate/tmp/jbundle/jbase-7.2R1.7.tgz
Using /var/validate/tmp/jbundle/jkernel-7.2R1.7.tgz
Using /var/validate/tmp/jbundle/jcrypto-7.2R1.7.tgz
Using /var/validate/tmp/jbundle/jpfe-7.2R1.7.tgz
Using /var/validate/tmp/jbundle/jdocs-7.2R1.7.tgz
Using /var/validate/tmp/jbundle/jroute-7.2R1.7.tgz
Validating against /config/juniper.conf.gz
mgd: commit complete
Validation succeeded
Validating against /config/rescue.conf.gz
mgd: commit complete
Validation succeeded
Installing package '/var/tmp/jinstall-7.2R1.7-domestic-signed.tgz' ...
Verified jinstall-7.2R1.7-domestic.tgz signed by PackageProduction_7_2_0
Adding jinstall...

WARNING:     This package will load JUNOS 7.2R1.7 software.
WARNING:     It will save JUNOS configuration files, and SSH keys
WARNING:     (if configured), but erase all other files and information
WARNING:     stored on this machine.  It will attempt to preserve dumps
WARNING:     and log files, but this can not be guaranteed.  This is the
WARNING:     pre-installation stage and all the software is loaded when
WARNING:     you reboot the system.

Saving the config files ...
Installing the bootstrap installer ...

WARNING:     'request system reboot' command when software installation is
WARNING:     complete. To abort the installation, do not reboot your system,
WARNING:     instead use the 'request system software delete jinstall'
WARNING:     command as soon as this operation completes.

Saving package file in /var/sw/pkg/jinstall-7.2R1.7-domestic-signed.tgz ...
Saving state for rollback ...

Sample Output

request system software add (Mixed EX4200 and EX4500 Virtual Chassis)

user@switch> request system software add set [/var/tmp/jinstall-ex-4200-11.1R1.1-domestic-signed.tgz /var/tmp/jinstall-ex-4500-11.1R1.1-domestic-signed.tgz]

request system software add component all (QFabric Systems)

user@switch> request system software add /pbdata/packages/jinstall-qfabric-12.2X50-D1.3.rpm component all

Published: 2013-09-25