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accept (any | dhcp-v4 |dhcp-v6| inet | inet6 | pppoe);

Hierarchy Level

[edit interfaces interface-name auto-configure stacked-vlan-ranges dynamic-profile profile-name],[edit interfaces interface-name auto-configure vlan-ranges dynamic-profile profile-name]

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5.

dhcp-v4 option added in Junos OS Release 10.0.

dhcp-v6, inet6 and pppoe options added in Junos OS Release 10.2.

any option added in Junos OS Release 10.4.


Specify the type of VLAN Ethernet packet accepted by an interface that is associated with a VLAN dynamic profile or stacked VLAN dynamic profile.


any—Any packet type. Specifies that any incoming packets trigger the dynamic creation of a VLAN with properties determined by the auto-configure interface configuration stanza and associated profile attributes. This option is used when configuring wholesaling in a Layer 2 network.

dhcp-v4—IPv4 DHCP packet type. Specifies that incoming IPv4 DHCP discover packets trigger the dynamic creation of a VLAN with properties determined by the auto-configure interface configuration stanza and associated profile attributes

Note: The DHCP-specific mac-address and option-82 options are rejected if the accept statement is not set to dhcp-v4.

dhcp-v6—IPv6 DHCP packet type. Specifies that incoming IPv6 DHCP discover packets trigger the dynamic creation of a VLAN with properties determined by the auto-configure interface configuration stanza and associated profile attributes.

inet—IPv4 Ethernet and ARP packet type.

inet6—IPv6 Ethernet packet type.

pppoe—Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet packet type.

Note: The pppoe VLAN Ethernet packet type option is supported only for Trio MPC/MIC interfaces on MX Series Routers.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2013-02-13