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Hierarchy Level
Release Information
Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Do not concatenate (multiplex) the output of a SONET/SDH PIC (an interface with a name so-fpc/pic/port).
When configuring and displaying information about interfaces that are operating in channelized mode, you must specify the channel number in the interface name (physical:channel); for example, so-2/2/0:0 and so-2/2/0:1.
On SONET OC48 interfaces that are configured for channelized (multiplexed) mode, the bytes e1-quiet and bytes f1 options in the sonet-options statement have no effect. The bytes f2, bytes z3, bytes z4, and path-trace options work correctly on channel 0. They work in the transmit direction only on channels 1, 2, and 3.
Output is concatenated (multiplexed).
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.