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server-group {server-group-name {server-ip-address; }}

Hierarchy Level

[edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay],[edit forwarding-options dhcp-relay dhcpv6],[edit logical-systems logical-system-name forwarding-options dhcp-relay],[edit logical-systems logical-system-name forwarding-options dhcp-relay dhcpv6],[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name forwarding-options dhcp-relay],[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name forwarding-options dhcp-relay dhcpv6],[edit routing-instances routing-instance-name forwarding-options dhcp-relay],[edit routing-instances routing-instance-name forwarding-options dhcp-relay dhcpv6]

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.3.

Support at the [edit ... dhcpv6] hierarchy levels introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4.

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for EX Series switches.


Specify the name of a group of DHCP server addresses for use by the extended DHCP relay agent. Use the statement at the [edit ... dhcpv6] hierarchy levels to configure DHCPv6 support.


server-group-name—Name of the group of DHCP or DHCPv6 server addresses.

server-ip-address—IP address of the DHCP server belonging to this named server group. Use IPv6 addresses when configuring DHCPv6 support. You can configure a maximum of five IP addresses in each named server group.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2013-07-05

Published: 2013-07-05