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Routing Engine Connectivity in a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Plus Router

The TX Matrix Plus router contains two Connector Interface Panels (CIPs)—one for each Routing Engine—that are referred to as TXP-CIP-0 and TXP-CIP-1. In a routing matrix with a TX Matrix Plus router, all Routing Engines are connected to their respective Control Boards, which in turn are connected to ports on the two CIPs on the TX Matrix Plus router:

  • On a TX Matrix Plus router, the Routing Engine (RE-TXP-SFC) and Control Board (TXP-CB) function as a unit, or host subsystem. For each of the two host subsystems in the router, the Junos OS automatically creates two internal Ethernet interfaces, ixgbe0 and ixgbe1, for the two 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports on the Routing Engine. The port at ixgbe0 connects the TX Matrix Plus Routing Engine to the Routing Engines of every T1600 or T4000 router configured in the routing matrix. Another internal Ethernet interface, ixgbe1, is created on each Routing Engine in order to support fault tolerance.
  • On a T1600 or T4000 router configured in a routing matrix, the Routing Engine (RE-TXP-LCC) and Control Board (LCC-CB) function as a unit, or host subsystem. For each of the two host subsystems in the router, the Junos OS automatically creates two internal Ethernet interfaces, bcm0 and em1, for the two Gigabit Ethernet ports on the Routing Engine. The port at bcm0 connects the LCC Routing Engine to the Routing Engines of every other T1600 or T4000 router configured in the routing matrix.

Note: The Routing Engines in the TX Matrix Plus router and in the T1600 routers configured in a routing matrix do not support the management Ethernet interface fxp0 or the internal Ethernet interfaces fxp1 or fxp2.

Configurations and automated scripts that have been developed for standalone T1600 (T1600 routers not configured in a routing matrix) might contain references to the fxp0, fxp1, or fxp2 interfaces.

Before reusing the configurations or scripts on T1600 routers in a routing matrix, update the files as appropriate:

  • Edit any command lines that reference the T1600 router management Ethernet interface fxp0 by replacing “fxp0” with “em0.”
  • Ensure that any show interfaces commands that are intended to list the T1600 router internal Ethernet interfaces refer to the bcm0 or em1 interfaces.

For more detailed information, see the Junos® OS Network Interfaces and the Junos OS Operational Mode Commands.

Published: 2013-03-13