Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- [edit protocols] Hierarchy Level
- EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Notational Conventions Used in Junos OS Configuration Hierarchies
[edit protocols ospf3] Hierarchy Level
The following statement hierarchy can also be included at the [edit logical-systems logical-system-name] hierarchy level.
protocols {ospf3 {disable;area area-id {... the area subhierarchy appears after the main [edit protocols ospf3] hierarchy ...}backup-spf-options {disable;downstream-paths-only;no-install;}database-protection {ignore-count number;ignore-time seconds;maximum-lsa number;reset-time seconds;warning-only;warning-threshold percent;}export [ policy-names ];external-preference preference;graceful-restart {disable;helper-disable;no-strict-lsa-checking;notify-duration seconds;restart-duration seconds;}import [ policy-names ];lsa-refresh-interval;no-nssa-abr;no-rfc-1583;overload <timeout seconds>;preference preference;prefix-export-limit number;realm (ipv4-multicast | ipv4-unicast | ipv6-multicast | ipv6-unicast) {... the realm subhierarchies appear after the main [edit protocols ospf3] hierarchy ...}reference-bandwidth reference-bandwidth;rib-group group-name;spf-options {delay milliseconds;holddown milliseconds;no-ignore-our-externals;rapid-runs number;}traceoptions {file filename <files number> <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;flag flag <flag-modifier> <disable>;}traffic-engineering {ignore-lsp-metrics;shortcuts <lsp-metric-into-summary>;}} ospf3 {area area-id {area-range ip-prefix</prefix-length> <exact> <override-metric metric> <restrict>;inter-area-prefix-export [ policy-names ];inter-area-prefix-import [ policy-names ];interface interface-name {... the interface subhierarchy appears after the main [edit ospf3 area area-id] hierarchy level ...}nssa {area-range ip-prefix</prefix-length> <exact> <override-metric metric> <restrict>;default-lsa {default-metric metric;metric-type type;type-7;}(summaries | no-summaries);}stub <default-metric metric> <summaries | no-summaries>;virtual-link neighbor-id router-id transit-area area-id {disable;dead-interval seconds;demand-circuit;flood-reduction;hello-interval seconds;ipsec-sa sa-name;retransmit-interval seconds;transit-delay seconds;}} area area-id {interface interface-name {disable;bandwidth-based-metrics {bandwidth value metric number;}bfd-liveness-detection {authentication {algorithm (keyed-md5 | keyed-sha-1 | meticulous-keyed-md5 | meticulous-keyed-sha-1 | simple-password);key-chain key-chain-name;loose-check;}detection-time {threshold milliseconds;}full-neighbors-only;minimum-interval milliseconds;minimum-receive-interval milliseconds;multiplier number;no-adaptation;transmit-interval {minimum-interval milliseconds;threshold milliseconds;}version (1 | automatic);}dead-interval seconds;demand-circuit;flood-reduction;hello-interval seconds;interface-type (p2mp-over-lan | p2p);ipsec-sa sa-name;(link-protection | node-link-protection);metric metric;no-eligible-backup;own-router-lsa;passive {traffic-engineering {remote-node-id address;}}priority number;retransmit-interval seconds;transit-delay seconds;}}} ospf3 {realm (ipv4-multicast| ipv6-multicast) {... same statements as at the [edit protocols ospf3] hierarchy level, EXCEPT FOR ...area area-id {interface interface-name {no-eligible-backup; # NOT valid at this level}virtual-link { ... } # NOT valid at this level}backup-spf-options { ... } # NOT valid at this levelrealm realm-identifier { ... } # NOT valid at this leveltraffic-engineering { ... } # NOT valid at this level}} ospf3 {realm ipv4-unicast {... same statements as at the [edit protocols ospf3] hierarchy level, PLUS ...area area-id {interface interface-name {ldp-synchronization {disable;hold-time seconds;}}} ... BUT NOT ...area area-id {virtual-link { ... } # NOT valid at this level}realm realm-identifier { ... } # NOT valid at this leveltraffic-engineering { ... } # NOT valid at this level }} ospf3 {realm ipv6-unicast {disable;backup-spf-options {disable;downstream-paths-only;no-install;}}}}
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- [edit protocols] Hierarchy Level
- EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Notational Conventions Used in Junos OS Configuration Hierarchies
Published: 2014-02-06
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- [edit protocols] Hierarchy Level
- EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series
- Notational Conventions Used in Junos OS Configuration Hierarchies