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Configuring the Router or Interface to Act as a DHCP Server on J Series Services Routers

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server provides a framework for passing configuration information to client hosts (such as PCs) on a TCP/IP network. On J Series Services Routers and EX Series switches, a router, switch, or interface that acts as a DHCP server can allocate network IP addresses and deliver configuration settings to client hosts without user intervention. DHCP access service minimizes the overhead required to add clients to the network by providing a centralized, server-based setup. You do not have to manually create and maintain IP address assignments for clients. DHCP is defined in RFC 2131, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

A J Series router or EX Series switch configured as a DHCP server is compatible with the autoinstallation feature.

To configure a J Series router or EX Series switch to accept DHCP as an access service, include the dhcp statement at the [edit system services] hierarchy level:

[edit system services]
dhcp {boot-file filename;boot-server (address | hostname);domain-name domain-name;domain-search [domain-list];default-lease-time;maximum-lease-time;name-server {address;}option {[ (id-number option-type option-value) | (id-number array option-type option-value) ];}pool address/prefix-length) {address-range {low address;high address;}exclude-address {address;}}router {address;}static-binding mac-address {fixed-address {address;}host-name hostname;client-identifier (ascii client-id | hexadecimal client-id);}server-identifier address;wins-server {address;}}

Published: 2013-02-22