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Specifying the Delegated Address Pool for IPv6 Prefix Assignment

You can explicitly specify a delegated address pool, which subscriber management uses to assign IPv6 prefixes for subscribers. You can specify the delegated address pool globally, for a specific group of interfaces, or for a particular interface.

Note: You can also use by Juniper Networks VSA 26-161 to specify the delegated address pool. The VSA-specified value always takes precedence over the delegated-address statement.

To configure the delegated address pool for DHCPv6 local server:

  1. Specify that you want to configure override options.
    [edit system services dhcp-local-server dhcpv6]user@host# edit overrides
  2. Configure the delegated address pool.
    [edit system services dhcp-local-server dhcpv6 overrides]user@host# set delegated-pool paris-cable-12

Published: 2013-02-11