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Configuring Ethernet 802.3ah OAM on PTX Series Packet Transport Switches

The IEEE 802.3ah standard for Operation, Administration, and Management (OAM) provides a specification for Ethernet in the first mile (EFM) connectivity. EFM defines how Ethernet can be transmitted over new media types using new Ethernet physical layer (PHY) interfaces. You can configure IEEE 802.3ah OAM on Ethernet point-to-point direct links or links across Ethernet repeaters. The IEEE 802.3ah OAM standard meets the requirement for OAM capabilities as Ethernet moves from being solely an enterprise technology to being a WAN and access technology, as well as being backward-compatible with existing Ethernet technology.

For Ethernet interfaces capable of running at 100 Mbps or faster, the IEEE 802.3ah OAM standard is supported on numerous Juniper Networks routers and switches. This topic describes configuration support for IEEE 802.3ah OAM features on PTX Series Packet Transport Switches.

On PTX Series Packet Transport Switches, Junos OS Release 12.1 supports the following IEEE 802.3ah OAM features at the physical interface level:

  • Discovery and link monitoring
  • Fault signaling and detection
  • Periodic packet management (PPM) processing
  • Action profile support
  • graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES)

To configure 802.3ah OAM support for Ethernet interfaces, include the oam statement at the [edit protocols] hierarchy level:

oam {ethernet {link-fault-management {interfaces {interface-name {pdu-interval interval;link-discovery (active | passive);pdu-threshold count;}}}}}

Published: 2013-02-11