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Configuring Password Authentication for Console Access to PICs

By default, there is no password setting for console access. To configure console access to the Physical Interface Cards (PICs), include the pic-console-authentication statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level:

[edit system]
pic-console-authentication {(encrypted-password "password" | plain-text-password);}

encrypted-password "password"—Use Message Digest 5 (MD5) or other encrypted authentication. Specify the MD5 or other password. You can specify only one encrypted password.

You cannot configure a blank password for encrypted-password using blank quotation marks (" "). You must configure a password whose number of characters range from 1 through 128 characters and enclose the password in quotation marks.

plain-text-password—Use a plain-text password. The command-line interface (CLI) prompts you for the password and then encrypts it. The CLI displays the encrypted version, and the software places the encrypted version in its user database. You can specify only one plain-text password.

Published: 2013-02-22