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Configuring Custom Terminate Reason Mappings

Junos OS supports default configuration mapping of terminate reasons for various protocols (AAA, DHCP, L2TP, and PPP) to RADIUS Acct-Terminate-Cause attributes. When a AAA, DHCP, L2TP, or PPP session is terminated, the router logs a message for the internal terminate reason and logs another message for the RADIUS Acct-Terminate-Cause attribute (RADIUS attribute 49). RADIUS attribute 49 is also included in RADIUS Acct-Off and Acct-Stop messages.

You can create customized mappings between a terminate reason and a RADIUS Acct-Terminate-Cause attribute to provide different information about the cause of a termination.

To configure customized mappings between a terminate reason and a RADIUS Acct-Terminate-Cause attribute:

  1. Edit the access hierarchy.
    [edit]user@host# edit access
  2. Edit the terminate-code statement.

    Note: Terminate codes do not appear as options on platforms where they are not supported.

    [edit access]user@host# edit terminate-code
  3. Specify the protocol option (aaa | dchp | l2tp | ppp) that you want to modify.
    [edit access terminate-code]user@host# set protocol-option
  4. Specify the terminate reason that you want to modify.
    [edit access terminate-code protocol-option]user@host# set term-reason

    Note: Attempts to set a terminate reason mapping to its default value are rejected by the CLI.

  5. Specify the RADIUS termination cause value (from 1 through 4294967295) that you want to use for the termination reason.
    [edit access terminate-code protocol-option term-reason]user@host# set radius term-cause

    Note: Deleting a customized mapping restores the default.

Published: 2013-02-11