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Configuring Dynamic Underlying VLAN Interfaces to Use Agent Circuit Identifier Information

After you define the agent circuit identifier (ACI) interface set, you must configure the underlying VLAN interface to enable creation of dynamic VLAN subscriber interfaces based on ACI information. You can configure the underlying VLAN interface statically or dynamically.

This topic describes how to configure the underlying VLAN interface dynamically.

Before you begin:

To configure a dynamic underlying VLAN interface to use ACI information:

  • In the dynamic profile for the underlying VLAN interface, associate the dynamic profile that defines the ACI interface set with the underlying VLAN interface.
    [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name]user@host# set interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number auto-configure agent-circuit-identifier dynamic-profile aci-interface-set-profile-name

    For example, the following statement in a dynamic profile named aci-vlan-underlying-profile-demux associates the dynamic underlying VLAN interface with dynamic profile aci-vlan-set-profile2 that defines the ACI interface set. You must use the predefined dynamic variable $junos-interface-ifd-name to represent the interface name, and $junos-interface-unit to represent the logical unit number.

    [edit dynamic-profiles aci-vlan-underlying-profile-demux]user@host# set interfaces “$junos-interface-ifd-name” unit “$junos-interface-unit” auto-configure agent-circuit-identifier dynamic-profile aci-vlan-set-profile2

The following example shows the dynamic configuration that uses this statement. This configuration enables the underlying dynamic IP demultiplexing (IP demux) VLAN interface to create dynamic subscriber interfaces based on ACI information by applying a single default ACI interface set dynamic profile (aci-vlan-set-profile2) to all households on the VLAN interface.

[edit dynamic-profiles aci-vlan-underlying-profile-demux]
interfaces {“$junos-interface-ifd-name” {unit "$junos-interface-unit" {auto-configure {agent-circuit-identifier {dynamic-profile aci-vlan-set-profile2;}}vlan-id "$junos-vlan-id";demux-options {underlying-interface “$junos-interface-ifd-name”;}family inet {unnumbered-address lo0.0 preferred-source-address;}}}}

Published: 2013-02-11