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Configuring a Calling-Station-ID with Additional Attributes
You can configure an alternative value for the Calling-Station-ID (RADIUS IETF attribute 31) in an access profile on the router.
By default, the Calling-Station-ID includes the agent-circuit-id string. Optionally, you can configure the Calling-Station-ID to include one or more of the following attributes, in any combination:
- Agent circuit identifier (agent-circuit-id)—String that uniquely identifies the subscriber’s access node and the digital subscriber line (DSL) on the access node. The agent circuit identifier (ACI) string is stored in either the DHCP option 82 field of DHCP messages for DHCP traffic, or in the DSL Forum Agent-Circuit-ID VSA [26-1] of PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation (PADI) and PPPoE Active Discovery Request (PADR) control packets for PPPoE traffic.
- Agent remote identifier (agent-remote-id)—String that identifies the subscriber on the digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM) interface that initiated the service request. The agent remote identifier (ARI) string is stored in either the DHCP option 82 field for DHCP traffic, or in the DSL Forum Agent-Remote-ID VSA [26-2] for PPPoE traffic.
- Interface description (interface-description)—Description of the interface, which is not included in the Calling-Station-ID by default.
- NAS identifier (nas-identifier)—Name of the NAS that originated the authentication or accounting request. NAS-Identifier is RADIUS IETF attribute 32.
If you configure the format of the Calling-Station-ID with more than one optional value, a hash character (#) is the default delimiter that the router uses as a separator between the concatenated values in the resulting Calling-Station-ID string. Optionally, you can configure an alternative delimiter character for the Calling-Station-ID to use.
To configure an access profile to provide additional attributes in the Calling-Station-ID:
- Specify the access profile you want to configure.[edit]user@host# edit access profile profile-name
- Specify that you want to configure RADIUS options.
- Specify the nondefault character to use as the delimiter
between the different attribute values in the Calling-Station-ID.
By default, subscriber management uses the hash character (#) as the delimiter in Calling-Station-ID strings that contain more than one optional value.
[edit access profile profile-name radius options]user@host# set calling-station-id-delimiter delimiter-character - Configure the value for the NAS-Identifier (RADIUS attribute
32), which is used for authentication and accounting requests.[edit access profile profile-name radius options]user@host# set nas-identifier identifier-value
- Specify that you want to configure the format of the Calling-Station-ID.[edit access profile profile-name radius options]user@host# edit calling-station-id-format
- Include the interface description in the Calling-Station-ID.[edit access profile profile-name radius options calling-station-id-format]user@host# set interface-description
- Include the agent circuit identifier in the Calling-Station-ID.[edit access profile profile-name radius options calling-station-id-format]user@host# set agent-circuit-id
- Include the agent remote identifier in the Calling-Station-ID.[edit access profile profile-name radius options calling-station-id-format]user@host# set agent-remote-id
- Include the configured NAS identifier value in the Calling-Station-ID.[edit access profile profile-name radius options calling-station-id-format]user@host# set nas-identifier
Example: Calling-Station-ID with Additional Attributes in an Access Profile
The following example creates an access profile named retailer01 that configures a Calling-Station-ID string that includes the NAS-Identifier (fox), interface description, agent circuit identifier, and agent remote identifier optional attributes.
The resulting Calling-Station-ID string is formatted as follows:
- The NAS-Identifier value is fox.
- The Calling-Station-ID delimiter character is * (asterisk).
- The interface description value is ge-1/2/0.100:100.
- The agent circuit identifier value is as007.
- The agent remote identifier value is ar921.