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Option: Limiting the Number of MAC Addresses Learned on a VPLS Interface

There are three main levels where you can configure MAC address limits:

  • interface-mac-limit—This statement allows you to specify a limit for MAC addresses at an interface level. For VPLS, you can include the interface-mac-limit statement at the [edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols vpls], [edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols vpls site site-name interfaces interface-name], [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols vpls], or [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols vpls site site-name interfaces interface-name] hierarchy level. For MX Series routers only, you can specify what the router does with additional MAC addresses once the MAC address limit is reached. The default behavior is for the router to flood the packet, but you can alternatively include the packet-action drop option to have the router drop the packets. The default MAC address table size for each interface is 1024 addresses.
  • mac-table-size—This statement allows you to specify a limit for MAC addresses at a domain level. For VPLS, you can include the mac-table-size statement at the [edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols vpls] or [edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols vpls] hierarchy level. The default MAC address table size for each domain is 5120 addresses.
  • global-mac-limit (MX Series routers only)—This statement allows you to specify a limit for MAC addresses for all interfaces and all domains for the entire router. You can include the global-mac-limit statement at the [edit protocols l2-learning] hierarchy level. The default MAC address table size for the entire system is 393,215 addresses. Note that the value of global-mac-limit must be set lower than the configured value of interface-mac-limit .

Note: If you manually configure a MAC address limit, you must ensure that values for interface limits (such as the interface-mac-limit) are set lower than domain limits (such as mac-table-size), and the domain limits are set lower than global limitss (such as global-mac-limit). If a value for a more specific limit is set higher than a more global limit, the commit operation fails.

The range of values for the interface-mac-limit statement is 16 through 65,536. The output of the show vpls statistics command displays the results of configuring interface-level MAC address limitations.

routing-instances {instance-name {protocols {vpls {interface-mac-limit number;site site-name {interface interface-name {interface-mac-limit number;}}}}}}

Published: 2013-02-08