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Managing System Processes in a Routing Matrix with a TX Matrix Plus Router

Some system processes in a routing matrix with a TX Matrix Plus router run on the SFC and some run on the LCCs. For example, the routing protocol process (rpd) runs exclusively on the SFC. To restart the routing protocol process for the entire routing matrix, issue the restart routing command on the SFC:

user@host> restart routing ?
Possible completions:
  <[Enter]>            Execute this command
  gracefully           Gracefully restart the process
  immediately          Immediately restart (SIGKILL) the process
  logical-system       Name of logical system
  soft                 Soft reset (SIGHUP) the process
  |                    Pipe through a command

Other processes run on both the SFC and the LCCs. To restart the chassis process that manages PICs, FPCs, and other hardware components, issue the restart chassis-control command on the SFC and select the all, all-lcc, or lcc lcc-number option:

To restart the SNMP process, issue the restart snmp command on the SFC and select the all, all-lcc, or lcc lcc-number option:

Published: 2013-03-13