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Configuring Help Text for Op Scripts

You can provide help text to describe an op script and its arguments when the ? is used to list possible completions in the CLI. Include the description statement:

description descriptive-text;

You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:

The following examples show the configuration and the resulting output.

Examples: Configuring Help Text for Op Scripts

Configure help text for a script and display the resulting output:

[edit system scripts op]user@host# set file interface.xsl description "Test the interface"user@host# commit ... [edit system scripts op]user@host# set file ?Possible completions:  <name>               Local filename of the script file  interface.xsl         Test the interface

Configure help text for a script’s arguments and display the resulting output:

[edit system scripts op file interface.xsl arguments]user@host# set t1 description "Search for T1 interfaces"user@host# set t3 description "Search for T3 interfaces"user@host# commit ... [edit system scripts op file interface.xsl arguments]user@host# set ?Possible completions:  <name>            Name of the argument  t1                     Search for T1 interfaces  t3                     Search for T3 interfaces

Published: 2013-03-05