Applying Routing Policies to the Forwarding Table
To apply an export routing policy to the forwarding table, include the export statement:
You can include this statement at the following hierarchy levels:
- [edit routing-options forwarding-table]
- [edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-options forwarding-table]
In the export statement, list the name of the routing policy to be evaluated when routes are being exported from the routing table into the forwarding table. Only active routes are exported from the routing table.
You can reference the same routing policy one or more times in the same or a different export statement.
For information about how the policy framework software evaluates a routing policy, see How a Routing Policy Is Evaluated.
You can apply export policies to routes being exported from the routing table into the forwarding table for the following features:
- Per-packet load balancing
- Class of service (CoS)
For more information about per-packet load balancing, see Configuring Per-Packet Load Balancing.