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Understanding CoS Scheduling Behavior and Configuration Considerations

Many factors affect scheduling configuration and bandwidth requirements, including:

  • When you configure bandwidth for a queue or a priority group, the switch considers only the data as the configured bandwidth. The switch does not account for the bandwidth consumed by the preamble and the interframe gap (IFG). Therefore, when you calculate and configure the bandwidth requirements for a queue or for a priority group, consider the preamble and the IFG as well as the data in the calculations.
  • When you define a forwarding class that will be used on the switch (the behavior aggregate classifier has a forwarding class and you expect traffic for the forwarding class), you must also define a scheduling policy for the forwarding class. Defining a scheduling policy means:
    • Mapping a scheduler to the forwarding class in a scheduler map
    • Including the forwarding class in a forwarding class set
    • Associating the scheduler map with a traffic control profile
    • Attaching the traffic control profile to a forwarding class set and an interface
  • On each physical interface, either all forwarding classes that are being used on the interface must have rewrite rules configured, or no forwarding classes that are being used on the interface can have rewrite rules configured. On any physical port, do not mix forwarding classes with rewrite rules and forwarding classes without rewrite rules.
  • For packets that carry both an inner VLAN tag and an outer VLAN tag, the rewrite rule rewrites only the outer VLAN tag.
  • Configuring the minimum guaranteed bandwidth (transmit-rate) for a queue (forwarding class) does not work unless you also configure the minimum guaranteed bandwidth (guaranteed-rate) for the priority group (forwarding class set) in the traffic control profile.

    Additionally, the sum of the transmit rates of the queues in a forwarding class set should not exceed the guaranteed rate for the forwarding class set. (You cannot guarantee a minimum bandwidth for the queues that is greater than the minimum bandwidth guaranteed for the entire set of queues.) If you configure transmit rates whose sum exceeds the guaranteed rate of the forwarding class set, the commit check fails and the system rejects the configuration.

  • The sum of the priority group guaranteed rates cannot exceed the total port bandwidth. If you configure guaranteed rates whose sum exceeds the port bandwidth, the system sends a syslog message to notify you that the configuration is not valid. However, the system does not perform a commit check. If you commit a configuration in which the sum of the guaranteed rates exceeds the port bandwidth, the hierarchical scheduler behaves unpredictably.
  • If you configure the guaranteed-rate of a priority group as a percentage, configure all of the transmit rates associated with that priority group as percentages. In this case, if any of the transmit rates are configured as absolute values instead of percentages, the configuration is not valid and the system sends a syslog message.
  • There are several factors to consider if you want to configure strict-high priority queues:
    • You cannot configure a minimum guaranteed bandwidth (transmit-rate) for a strict-high priority queue. You cannot configure a minimum guaranteed bandwidth (guaranteed-rate) for a forwarding class set that includes a strict-high priority queue.
    • You must create a separate forwarding class set for the strict-high priority queue.
    • Only one forwarding class set can contain strict-high priority queues.
    • Strict-high priority queues cannot belong to the same forwarding class set as queues that are not strict-high priority.
    • A strict-high priority queue cannot belong to a multidestination forwarding class set.
    • We recommend that you always apply a shaping rate to strict-high priority queues to prevent them from starving other queues. If you do not apply a shaping rate to limit the amount of bandwidth a strict-high priority queue can use, then the strict-high priority queue can use all of the available port bandwidth and starve other queues on the port.
  • In QFabric systems, if any queue that contains outgoing packets does not transmit packets for 12 consecutive seconds, the port automatically resets. Failure of a queue to transmit packets for 12 consecutive seconds may be due to:
    • A strict-high priority queue consuming all of the port bandwidth
    • Several queues consuming all of the port bandwidth
    • Any queue or port receiving continuous priority-based flow control (PFC) or 802.3x Ethernet PAUSE messages (received PFC and PAUSE messages prevent a queue or a port, respectively, from transmitting packets because of network congestion)
    • Other conditions that prevent a queue from obtaining port bandwidth for 12 consecutive seconds

    If the cause is a strict-high priority queue consuming all of the port bandwidth, use rate shaping to configure a maximum rate for the strict-high priority queue and prevent it from using all of the port bandwidth. To configure rate shaping, include the shaping-rate (rate | percent percentage) statement at the [edit class-of-service schedulers scheduler-name] hierarchy level and apply the shaping rate to the strict-high priority scheduler. We recommend that you always apply a shaping rate to strict-high priority traffic to prevent the strict-high priority queue from starving other queues.

    If several queues consume all of the port bandwidth, you can use a scheduler to rate shape those queues and prevent them from using all of the port bandwidth.

  • For transmit rates below 1 Gbps, we recommend that you configure the transmit rate as a percentage instead of as a fixed rate. This is because the system converts fixed rates into percentages and may round small fixed rates to a lower percentage. For example, a fixed rate of 350 Mbps is rounded down to 3 percent instead of 3.5 percent.
  • When you set the maximum bandwidth for a queue or for a priority group (shaping-rate) at 100 Kbps or lower, the traffic shaping behavior is accurate only within +/– 20 percent of the configured shaping-rate.
  • Ingress port congestion can occur during periods of egress port congestion if an ingress port forwards traffic to more than one egress port, and at least one of those egress ports experiences congestion. If this occurs, the congested egress port can cause the ingress port to exceed its fair allocation of ingress buffer resources. When the ingress port exceeds its buffer resource allocation, frames are dropped at the ingress. Ingress port frame drop affects not only the congested egress ports, but also all of the egress ports to which the congested ingress port forwards traffic.

    If a congested ingress port drops traffic that is destined for one or more uncongested egress ports, configure a weighted random early detection (WRED) drop profile and apply it to the egress queue that is causing the congestion. The drop profile prevents the congested egress queue from affecting egress queues on other ports by dropping frames at the egress instead of causing congestion at the ingress port.

    Note: Do not configure drop profiles for the fcoe and no-loss forwarding classes. FCoE and other lossless traffic queues require lossless behavior. Use priority-based flow control (PFC) to prevent frame drop on lossless priorities.

  • On an ingress port, do not configure classifiers that map the same IEEE 802.1p code point to both a multidestination traffic flow and a lossless unicast traffic flow (such as the default lossless fcoe or no-loss forwarding classes). Any code point used for multidestination traffic on a port should not be used to classify unicast traffic into a lossless forwarding class on the same port.

    If a multidestination traffic flow and a lossless unicast traffic flow use the same code point on a port, the multidestination traffic is treated the same way as the lossless traffic. For example, if priority-based flow control (PFC) is applied to the lossless traffic, the multidestination traffic of the same code point is also paused. During periods of congestion, treating multidestination traffic the same as lossless unicast traffic can create ingress port congestion for the multidestination traffic and affect the multidestination traffic on all of the egress ports the multidestination traffic uses.

    For example, the following configuration can cause ingress port congestion for the multidestination flow:

    1. For unicast traffic, IEEE 802.1p code point 011 is classified into the fcoe forwarding class:
      user@switch# set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 ucast_cl forwarding-class fcoe loss-priority low code-points 011
    2. For multidestination traffic, IEEE 802.1p code point 011 is classified into the mcast forwarding class:
      user@switch# set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 mcast-cl forwarding-class mcast loss-priority low code-points 011
    3. The unicast classifier that maps traffic with code point 011 to the fcoe forwarding class is mapped to interface xe-0/0/1:
      user@switch# set class-of-service interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 classifiers ieee-802.1 ucast_cl
    4. The multidestination classifier that maps traffic with code point 011 to the mcast forwarding class is mapped to all interfaces (multidestination traffic maps to all interfaces and cannot be mapped to individual interfaces):
      user@switch# set class-of-service multi-destination classifiers ieee-802.1 mcast-cl

      Because the same code point (011) maps unicast traffic to a lossless traffic flow and also maps multidestination traffic to a multidestination traffic flow, the multidestination traffic flow might experience ingress port congestion during periods of congestion.

    To avoid ingress port congestion, do not map the code point used by the multidestination traffic to lossless unicast traffic. For example:

    1. Instead of classifying code point 011 into the fcoe forwarding class, classify code point 011 into the best-effort forwarding class:
      user@switch# set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 ucast_cl forwarding-class best-effort loss-priority low code-points 011
    2. user@switch# set class-of-service classifiers ieee-802.1 mcast-cl forwarding-class mcast loss-priority low code-points 011
    3. user@switch# set class-of-service interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 classifiers ieee-802.1 ucast_cl
    4. user@switch# set class-of-service multi-destination classifiers ieee-802.1 mcast-cl
      Because the code point 011 does not map unicast traffic to a lossless traffic flow, the multidestination traffic flow does not experience ingress port congestion during periods of congestion.

    The best practice is to classify unicast traffic with IEEE 802.1p code points that are also used for multidestination traffic into best-effort forwarding classes.

Published: 2014-07-23