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DHCP/BOOTP Relay for Switches Overview

You can configure the switch to act as a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) relay agent. This means that a locally attached host can issue a DHCP or BOOTP request as a broadcast message. After the switch receives this broadcast message, it relays the message to a specified DHCP or BOOTP server. You must configure the switch to be a DHCP or BOOTP relay agent if you have locally attached hosts and a remote DHCP or BOOTP server.

For detailed information about configuring a DHCP or BOOTP relay agent, see the Junos OS Policy Framework Configuration Guide.

You can configure a switch to use the gateway IP address (giaddr) as the source IP address of the switch for relayed DHCP packets when the switch is used as the DHCP relay agent. For information about configuring this option, see the source-address-giaddr configuration statement.

Note: Because DHCP and BOOTP messages are broadcast and are not directed to a specific server, switch, or router, EX Series switches and the QFX Series cannot function as both a DHCP server and a DHCP or BOOTP relay agent at the same time. The Juniper Networks Junos operating system (Junos OS) generates a commit error if both options are configured at the same time, and the commit operation does not succeed until one of the options is removed.

Note: DHCP relay across routing instances is not supported on EX Series switches or on the QFX Series.

Published: 2014-10-02

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Published: 2014-10-02