Hierarchical Schedulers and Traffic Control Profiles
When used, the interface set level of the hierarchy falls between the physical interface level (Level 1) and the logical interface (Level 3). Queues are always Level 4 of the hierarchy.
Hierarchical schedulers add CoS parameters to the new interface-set level of the configuration. They use traffic control profiles to set values for parameters such as shaping rate (the peak information rate [PIR]), guaranteed rate (the committed information rate [CIR] on these interfaces), scheduler maps (assigning queues and resources to traffic), and so on.
The following CoS configuration places the following parameters in traffic control profiles at various levels:
- Traffic control profile at the port level (tcp-port-level1):
- A shaping rate (PIR) of 100 Mbps
- A delay buffer rate of 100 Mbps
- Traffic control profile at the interface set level (tcp-interface-level2):
- A shaping rate (PIR) of 60 Mbps
- A guaranteed rate (CIR) of 40 Mbps
- Traffic control profile at the logical interface level
- A shaping rate (PIR) of 50 Mbps
- A guaranteed rate (CIR) of 30 Mbps
- A scheduler map called smap1 to hold various queue properties (level 4)
- A delay buffer rate of 40 Mbps
For more information on traffic control profiles see Oversubscribing Interface Bandwidth and Providing a Guaranteed Minimum Rate. For more information on scheduler maps, see Configuring Scheduler Maps.
In this case, the traffic control profiles look like this:
Once configured, the traffic control profiles must be applied to the proper places in the CoS interfaces hierarchy.
In all cases, the properties for level 4 of the hierarchical schedulers are determined by the scheduler map.