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Junos OS Platform-Specific Default System Log Messages

The following messages are generated by default on specific routers. To view any of these types of messages, you must configure at least one destination for messages as described in Junos OS Minimum System Logging Configuration.

  • On J Series routers, a message is logged when a process running in the kernel consumes 500 or more consecutive milliseconds of CPU time.

    To log the kernel process message on an M Series, MX Series, or T Series router, include the kernel info statement at the appropriate hierarchy level:

    [edit system syslog]
    (console | file filename | host destination | user username) {kernel info;}
  • On a routing matrix composed of a TX Matrix router and T640 routers, the master Routing Engine on each T640 router forwards all messages with a severity of info and higher to the master Routing Engine on the TX Matrix router. This is equivalent to the following configuration statement included on the TX Matrix router:
    [edit system syslog]
    host scc-master {any info;}
  • Likewise, on a routing matrix composed of a TX Matrix Plus router with connected T1600 or T4000 routers, the master Routing Engine on each T1600 or T4000 LCC forwards to the master Routing Engine on the TX Matrix Plus router all messages with a severity of info and higher. This is equivalent to the following configuration statement included on the TX Matrix Plus router:

    Note: From the perspective of the user interface, the routing matrix appears as a single router. The TX Matrix Plus router controls all the T1600 or T4000 routers connected to it in the routing matrix.

    [edit system syslog]
    host sfc0-master {any info;}

Published: 2013-07-17