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Example: Configuring PAP for an L2TP Profile

The following examples shows you how to configure the password authentication protocol for an L2TP profile:

[edit access]
profile sunnyvale_bldg_2 {client green {pap-password "$9$24gGiPfz6CuQFu1EyW8VwYgZUik.5z3";ppp {interface-id west;}group-profile sunnyvale_users;}client red {chap-secret "$9$24gGiPfz6CuQFu1EyW8VwYgZUik.5z3";group-profile sunnyvale_users;}authentication-order radius;}
profile Sunnyvale_bldg_1_tunnel {client test {l2tp {shared-secret "$9$24gGiPfz6CuQFu1EyW8VwYgZUik.5z3";ppp-authentication pap;}}}

Published: 2013-07-17