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ping mpls l2vpn


ping mpls l2vpn (instance instance-name local-site-id local-site-id-number remote-site-id remote-site-id-number | interface interface-name)<bottom-label-ttl> <count count><destination address><detail><exp forwarding-class><fec129><logical-system (all | logical-system-name)>reply-mode (application-level-control-channel | ip-udp | no-reply)<size bytes><source source-address><sweep>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

size and sweep options introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.

reply-mode option and its suboptions introduced in Junos OS Release 10.4R1.

fec129 option introduced in Junos OS Release 12.2.


Check the operability of MPLS Layer 2 virtual private network (VPN) connections. Type Ctrl+c to interrupt a ping mpls l2vpn command.



(Optional) Display the time-to-live value for the bottom label in the label stack.

count count

(Optional) Number of ping requests to send. If count is not specified, five ping requests are sent. The range of values is 1 through 1,000,000. The default value is 5.

destination address

(Optional) Specify an address other than the default ( for the ping echo requests. The address can be anything within the 127/8 subnet.


(Optional) Display detailed information about the echo requests sent and received.

exp forwarding-class

(Optional) Value of the forwarding class for the MPLS ping packets.


(Optional) Ping the LSP for an FEC 129 Layer 2 VPN connection.

instance instance-name local-site-id local-site-id-number remote-site-id remote-site-id-number

Ping a combination of the Layer 2 VPN routing instance name, the local site identifier, and the remote site identifier, testing the integrity of the Layer 2 VPN circuit (specified by the identifiers) between the ingress and egress provider edge (PE) routers or switches.

interface interface-name

Ping an interface configured for the Layer 2 VPN on the egress PE router or switch.

logical-system (all | logical-system-name)

(Optional) Perform this operation on all logical systems or on the specified logical system.


(Optional) Reply mode for the ping request. This option has the following suboptions:


Reply using an application level control channel.


Reply using an IPv4 or IPv6 UDP packet.


Do not reply to the ping request.

The reply-mode option and its suboptions application-level-control-channel, ip-udp, and no-reply are also available in Junos OS Release 10.2R4 and 10.3R2.

size bytes

(Optional) Size of the label-switched path (LSP) ping request packet (96 through 65468 bytes). Packets are 4-byte aligned. For example, If you enter a size of 97, 98, 99, or 100, the router or switch uses a size value of 100 bytes. If you enter a packet size that is smaller than the minimum size, an error message is displayed reminding you of the 96-byte minimum.

source source-address

(Optional) IP address of the outgoing interface. This address is sent in the IP source address field of the ping request. If this option is not specified, the default address is usually the loopback interface (lo.0).


(Optional) Automatically determine the size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU).

Additional Information

You must configure MPLS at the [edit protocols mpls] hierarchy level on the egress PE router or switch (the router or switch receiving the MPLS echo packets) to ping a Layer 2 circuit.

In asymmetric MTU scenarios, the echo response may be dropped. For example, if the MTU from System A to System B is 1000 bytes, the MTU from System B to System A is 500 bytes, and the ping request packet size is 1000 bytes, the echo response is dropped because the PAD TLV is included in the echo response, making it too large.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

ping mpls l2vpn instance
ping mpls l2vpn instance detail
ping mpls l2vpn interface <interface-name> reply-mode
ping mpls l2vpn fec129 interface <interface-name>
ping mpls l2vpn fec129 instance <instance-name>

Output Fields

When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request. An exclamation point (!) indicates that an echo reply was received. A period (.) indicates that an echo reply was not received within the timeout period. An x indicates that an echo reply was received with an error code. Packets with an error code are not counted in the received packets count. They are accounted for separately.

Sample Output

ping mpls l2vpn instance

user@host> ping mpls l2vpn instance vpn1 remote-site-id 1 local-site-id 2
--- lsping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss

ping mpls l2vpn instance detail

user@host> ping mpls l2vpn instance vpn1 remote-site-id 1 local-site-id 2 detail
Request for seq 1, to interface 68, labels <800001, 100176>
Reply for seq 1, return code: Egress-ok
Request for seq 2, to interface 68, labels <800001, 100176>
Reply for seq 2, return code: Egress-ok
Request for seq 3, to interface 68, labels <800001, 100176>
Reply for seq 3, return code: Egress-ok
Request for seq 4, to interface 68, labels <800001, 100176>
Reply for seq 4, return code: Egress-ok
Request for seq 5, to interface 68, labels <800001, 100176>
Reply for seq 5, return code: Egress-ok

--- lsping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss

ping mpls l2vpn interface <interface-name> reply-mode

user@host> ping mpls l2vpn interface lt-1/2/0.21 reply-mode ip-udp
--- lsping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss

ping mpls l2vpn fec129 interface <interface-name>

user@host> ping mpls l2vpn fec129 interface ge-2/0/5.0
--- lsping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss

ping mpls l2vpn fec129 instance <instance-name>

user@PE1> ping mpls l2vpn fec129 instance FEC129-VPWS remote-id 2 remote-pe-address local-id 1
--- lsping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss

Published: 2014-04-23