read -config chassis -T system:mm[x]
Release Information
Command supported by Junos OS Release 9.1 and later.
(JCS management module CLI) Restore the JCS management module configuration from an image previously saved to the JCS chassis with the write command. This command is useful for restoring a backup copy of the JCS management module configuration.
-config chassis—Specify the location within the chassis from which the configuration is restored.
-T system:mm[x]—Specify the management module as the target of the command (the configuration to be saved). Replace x with a value of 1 or 2.
-config file (-i, -l, -p)—Specify the location outside the chassis and the name of the file from which the configuration is restored.
-i—Specify the IP address of the TFTP server where the configuration file is located.
-l—Specify the file name of the configuration file to read(the default filename is asm.cfg).
-p—Specify the quote-delimited passphrase that is required when saving to a file with encryption enabled (passphrases have a maximum of 1600 chars).
Required Privilege Level
List of Sample Output
readOutput Fields
When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.
Sample Output
system> read —config chassis –T
OK Configuration restore from the chassis was successful. Restart the MM for the new settings to take effect.
When you enter this command, the amm.cfg file will be loaded from the TFTP server that corresponds with the IP address you entered.
system> read -T mm[1] -config file -i
-l amm.cfg