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show chassis fabric reachability


show chassis fabric reachability<detail>

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 11.4.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for MX240, MX480, and MX960 routers.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X48R4 for PTX Series Packet Transport Switches.

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.1R3 for TX Matrix routers.


(M320, MX240, MX480, MX960, and T Series routers only) Display the current state of fabric destination reachability. Additionally, display the details of the automated actions taken by the system to stop blackholing and attempt healing, and the final resolution of the actions.



Display the state of fabric destination reachability for M320, MX240, MX480, MX960, T640, T1600, and TX Matrix routers, based on periodic reachability checks. Display the system's action phase sequences to stop the black hole and attempt healing, and the final resolution.


(Optional) Display the details of the actions carried out by the system in the different action phases and the final resolution.

Required Privilege Level


List of Sample Output

show chassis fabric reachability (T640 and T1600 routers)
show chassis fabric reachability detail (T640 and T1600 routers)
show chassis fabric reachability (PTX5000 system)
show chassis fabric reachability (TX Matrix router)
show chassis fabric reachability detail (TX Matrix router)

Output Fields

The table lists the output fields for the show chassis fabric reachability command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis fabric reachability Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Fabric reachability status

Display the reachability status of the fabric.

  • Enabled destinations transitioned to unreachable, Fabric down action in progress—Some enabled destinations that were originally reachable have become unreachable. The system is trying to stop the fabric down condition and attempt healing.
  • Enabled destinations reachable—The enabled destinations are reachable.
  • Unreachable destinations healed—The unreachable destinations are healed and are reachable.
  • Unreachable destinations removed—The unreachable destinations are removed.
  • Unreachable destinations present—Unreachable destinations are present in the system.
  • Unreachable destinations present due to FPC restart disable configuration—Unreachable destinations are present as a result of user configuration set to disable FPC restart.

All levels

Unreachable destinations

Number of FPCs that have unreachable destinations.

All levels

Detected on

Date and time when unreachable destinations are detected.

All levels


Reason for the destination turning unreachable.

  • Single FPC error—A single bad FPC is not reachable over the fabric.
  • Fabric plane error—Multiple FPCs are not able to forward traffic over the fabric planes.

All levels

Fabric reachability action

Action taken to handle the unreachable destination.

  • Plane Action—The healing is attempted only for the fabric planes.
  • SIB Action—(PTX Series system only) The healing is attempted only for the SIBs.
  • Plane and FPC Action—The healing is attempted both for the fabric planes and the FPCs.
  • SIB and FPC Action—(PTX Series system only) The healing is attempted both for the SIBs and the FPCs.
  • FPC Action—The healing is attempted only for the bad FPCs.

All levels

Acting on

Current action is being performed on:

  • Single FPC error—The current operation is for healing the single bad FPC.
  • Fabric Plane error—The current operation is for healing the fabric planes.

All levels

Initial phase

Starting phase for the healing action.

  • Plane restart—The fabric planes are restarted.
  • SIB restart—(PTX Series system only) The SIBs are restarted.
  • Plane and FPC restart—Both the fabric planes and affected FPCs are restarted.
  • SIB and FPC restart—(PTX Series system only) SIBs and affected FPCs are restarted.

All levels

Current phase

Current phase for the healing action.

  • Plane restart—The fabric planes are restarted.
  • SIB restart—(PTX Series system only) The SIBs are restarted.
  • Plane and FPC restart—Both the fabric planes and affected FPCs are restarted.
  • SIB and FPC restart—(PTX Series system only) Both the SIBs and affected FPCs are restarted.
  • FPC offline—The FPCs are turned offline because the previously mentioned healing processes have failed.

All levels

Action started

Date and time when the system fabric down healing attempt is started.

All levels

Plane restart phase

The status of the plane restart phase.

  • Completed—The plane restart phase is completed.
  • In progress—The plane restart phase is in progress.


Phase started

Date and time when the plane restart phase is started.


Planes restarted

List of plane numbers restarted by the system.


Planes timed out

List of plane numbers that have timed out waiting to be restarted by the system.


Planes being offlined / onlined

Planes that are turned offline or turned online by the system, with date and time.


Phase completed

Date and time when the plane restart phase is completed.


Plane and FPC Restart Phase

Status of the plane and FPC restart phase.

  • Completed—The plane and FPC restart phase is completed.
  • In progress—The plane and FPC restart phase is in progress.


Phase started

Date and time when the plane and FPC restart phase is started.


FPC Offline Started

Date and time when the FPC offline action is started.


Offlined FPCs

List of FPCs that are turned offline by the system.


FPCs timed out

List of FPCs that have timed out waiting to be turned offline by the system.


FPC being offlined

FPC that is being turned offline by the system, with date and time.


FPC Offline completed

Date and time when the FPC offline action is completed.


Plane restarting started

Date and time when the plane restart action is started.


Planes restarted

List of planes restarted by the system.


Planes being offlined / onlined

Planes that are currently being turned offline or turned online by the system, with date and time.


Plane restarting completed

Date and time when the plane restarting action is completed.


FPC online started

Date and time when FPC online action is started.


Onlined FPCs

List of FPCs that are turned online by the system.


FPCs timed out

FPCs that have timed out waiting to be turned online by the system.


FPC being onlined

FPC that is being turned online by the system, with date and time.


FPC Online completed

Date and time when the action of turning the FPCs online is completed.


Phase Completed

Date and time when the plane and FPC restart phase is completed.


Phase started

Date and time when the plane and FPC restart phase is started.


FPC restart time

Date and time when the FPC restart action is started.


FPC restarted

FPC that is restarted by the system, with date and time.


Phase Completed

Date and time when the plane and FPC restart phase is completed.


FPC Offline Phase

Status of the FPC offline phase.

  • Completed— The FPC offline phase is completed.
  • In progress—The FPC offline phase is currently in progress.


Phase started

Date and time when the FPC offline phase is started.


FPC Offline started

Date and time when the FPC offline action is started.


Offlined FPCs

List of FPCs turned offline by the system.


FPCs timed out

List of FPCs that have timed out waiting to be turned offline by the system.


FPC being offlined

FPC that is being turned offline by the system, with date and time.


FPC Offline completed

Date and time when the FPC offline action is completed.


Phase Completed

Date and time when the FPC offline phase is completed.


Action Completed

Date and time when the system fabric down healing attempt is completed.

All levels

Fabric reachability resolution

Status after the healing actions are performed.

  • Unreachable destinations healed after phase name—The unreachable destinations are healed after the healing actions are performed. The phase name indicates the last healing phase.
  • Unreachable destinations removed by FPCs FPC number offline—The unreachable destinations are removed by turning the FPCs offline.
  • Unreachable destinations present on FPC/PFE FPC/PFE number—The unreachable destinations are present on the FPCs or Packet Forwarding Engines and need to be acted upon.

All levels

Sample Output

show chassis fabric reachability (T640 and T1600 routers)

user@host> show chassis fabric reachability
Fabric reachability status: Unreachable destinations removed

Fabric reachability detection:
    Unreachable destinations                : Present on 3 FPCs
        Detected on                         : 2010-11-22 15:19:45 PST
        Reason                              : Fabric plane error

Fabric reachability action:
    Fabric reachability action              : FPC action
    Acting on                               : Fabric plane error
    Initial phase                           : Plane restart
    Current phase                           : FPC offline is completed
    Action started                          : 2010-11-22 15:08:05 PST
    Action completed                        : 2010-11-22 15:19:45 PST

Fabric reachability resolution: Unreachable destinations removed by FPCs 2, 3, 5

show chassis fabric reachability detail (T640 and T1600 routers)

user@host> show chassis fabric reachability detail
Fabric reachability status: Unreachable destinations removed
Fabric reachability detection:
    Unreachable destinations                : Present on 3 FPCs
        Detected on                         : 2010-11-15 15:50:32 PST
        Reason                              : Fabric plane error

Fabric reachability action:
    Fabric reachability action              : FPC action
    Acting on                               : Fabric plane error
    Initial phase                           : Plane restart
    Current phase                           : FPC offline is completed
    Action started                          : 2010-11-15 15:41:47 PST
        Plane restart phase                 : Completed
            Phase started                   : 2010-11-15 15:41:47 PST
                Planes restarted            : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0
            Phase completed                 : 2010-11-15 15:42:14 PST
        Plane and FPC Restart Phase         : Completed
            Phase started                   : 2010-11-15 15:45:52 PST
                FPC Offline Started         : 2010-11-15 15:45:52 PST
                    Offlined FPCs           : 2, 3, 5, 7
                FPC Offline completed       : 2010-11-15 15:45:52 PST
                Plane restarting started    : 2010-11-15 15:45:52 PST
                    Planes restarted        : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0
                Plane restarting completed  : 2010-11-15 15:46:11 PST
                FPC online started          : 2010-11-15 15:46:11 PST
                    Onlined FPCs            : 2, 3, 5, 7
                FPC online completed        : 2010-11-15 15:46:50 PST
            Phase completed                 : 2010-11-15 15:46:50 PST
        FPC offline phase                   : Completed
            Phase started                   : 2010-11-15 15:50:32 PST
                FPC offline started         : 2010-11-15 15:50:32 PST
                    Offlined FPCs           : 2, 3, 5
                FPC offline completed       : 2010-11-15 15:50:32 PST
            Phase completed                 : 2010-11-15 15:50:32 PST
    Action completed                        : 2010-11-15 15:50:32 PST

Fabric reachability resolution: Unreachable destinations removed by FPCs 2, 3, 5

show chassis fabric reachability (PTX5000 system)

user@host> show chassis fabric reachability
Fabric reachability status: Enabled destinations transitioned to unreachable, Fabric down action in progress

Fabric reachability detection:
    Unreachable destinations                : Present on 5 FPCs
        Detected on                         : 2012-11-14 15:53:00 PST
        Reason                              : Fabric plane error

Fabric reachability action:
    Fabric reachability action              : SIB action
    Acting on                               : Fabric plane error
    Initial phase                           : SIB restart
    Current phase                           : SIB restart is in progress
    Action started                          : 2012-11-14 15:53:00 PST

show chassis fabric reachability (TX Matrix router)

user@host> show chassis fabric reachability
Fabric reachability status: Enabled destinations transitioned to unreachable, Fabric down action in progress

Fabric reachability detection:
    Unreachable destinations                : Present on 14 FPCs
        Detected on                         : 2013-08-29 02:09:16 PDT
        Reason                              : Fabric plane error

Fabric reachability action:
    Fabric reachability action              : Plane action
    Acting on                               : Fabric plane error
    Initial phase                           : Plane restart
    Current phase                           : Plane restart is in progress
    Action started                          : 2013-08-29 02:09:16 PDT

show chassis fabric reachability detail (TX Matrix router)

user@host> show chassis fabric reachability detail
Fabric reachability status: Enabled destinations transitioned to unreachable, Fabric down action in progress

Fabric reachability detection:
    Unreachable destinations                : Present on 14 FPCs
        Detected on                         : 2013-08-29 02:09:16 PDT
        Reason                              : Fabric plane error

Fabric reachability action:
    Fabric reachability action              : Plane action
    Acting on                               : Fabric plane error
    Initial phase                           : Plane restart
    Current phase                           : Plane restart is in progress
    Action started                          : 2013-08-29 02:09:16 PDT
        Plane restart phase                 : In progress
            Phase started                   : 2013-08-29 02:09:16 PDT
                Planes restarted            : 0, 2, 3
                Planes being offlined       : 4 : 2013-08-29 02:10:11 PDT

Published: 2014-02-19