Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, SRX, T Series, QFX Series standalone switches
- Example: Configuring BFD for RIP
- ACX, J, M, MX, SRX, T Series, QFX Series standalone switches
- Example: Configuring BFD Authentication for RIP
bfd-liveness-detection (Protocols RIP)
Hierarchy Level
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.0.
Options detection-time threshold and transmit-interval threshold introduced in Junos OS Release 8.2.
Support for logical systems introduced in Junos OS Release 8.3.
Option no-adaptation introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Options authentication algorithm, authentication key-chain, and authentication loose-check introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6.
Options authentication algorithm, authentication key-chain, and authentication loose-check introduced in Junos OS Release 9.6 for EX Series switches.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1 for the QFX Series.
Configure bidirectional failure detection timers and authentication.
authentication algorithm algorithm-name —Configure the algorithm used to authenticate the specified BFD session: simple-password, keyed-md5, keyed-sha-1, meticulous-keyed-md5, or meticulous-keyed-sha-1.
authentication key-chain key-chain-name—Associate a security key with the specified BFD session using the name of the security keychain. The name you specify must match one of the keychains configured in the authentication-key-chains key-chain statement at the [edit security] hierarchy level.
authentication loose-check—(Optional) Configure loose authentication checking on the BFD session. Use only for transitional periods when authentication is not configured at both ends of the BFD session.
detection-time threshold milliseconds—Configure a threshold for the adaptation of the BFD session detection time. When the detection time adapts to a value equal to or greater than the threshold, a single trap and a single system log message are sent.
minimum-interval milliseconds—Configure the minimum interval after which the local routing device transmits a hello packet and then expects to receive a reply from the neighbor with which it has established a BFD session. Optionally, instead of using this statement, you can specify the minimum transmit and receive intervals separately using the transmit-interval minimum-interval and minimum-receive-interval statements.
Range: 1 through 255,000 milliseconds
minimum-receive-interval milliseconds—Configure the minimum interval after which the local routing device expects to receive a reply from a neighbor with which it has established a BFD session. Optionally, instead of using this statement, you can configure the minimum receive interval using the minimum-interval statement.
Range: 1 through 255,000 milliseconds
multiplier number—Configure the number of hello packets not received by a neighbor that causes the originating interface to be declared down.
Range: 1 through 255
Default: 3
no-adaptation—Configure BFD sessions not to adapt to changing network conditions. We recommend that you not disable BFD adaptation unless it is preferable not to have BFD adaptation enabled in your network.
transmit-interval threshold milliseconds—Configure the threshold for the adaptation of the BFD session transmit interval. When the transmit interval adapts to a value greater than the threshold, a single trap and a single system message are sent. The interval threshold must be greater than the minimum transmit interval.
Range: 0 through 4,294,967,295 (232 – 1)
transmit-interval minimum-interval milliseconds—Configure a minimum interval after which the local routing device transmits hello packets to a neighbor. Optionally, instead of using this statement, you can configure the minimum transmit interval using the minimum-interval statement.
Range: 1 through 255,000
version—Configure the BFD version to detect: 1 (BFD version 1) or automatic (autodetect the BFD version).
Default: automatic
Required Privilege Level
routing—To view this statement in the configuration.
routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, SRX, T Series, QFX Series standalone switches
- Example: Configuring BFD for RIP
- ACX, J, M, MX, SRX, T Series, QFX Series standalone switches
- Example: Configuring BFD Authentication for RIP
Published: 2014-07-23
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- ACX, EX, J, M, MX, SRX, T Series, QFX Series standalone switches
- Example: Configuring BFD for RIP
- ACX, J, M, MX, SRX, T Series, QFX Series standalone switches
- Example: Configuring BFD Authentication for RIP