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dtr signal-handling-option;

Hierarchy Level

[edit interfaces interface-name serial-options dce-options],[edit interfaces interface-name serial-options dte-options]

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


For EIA-530 and V.35 interfaces only, configure the to-DCE signal, data-transmit-ready (DTR).


signal-handling-option—Signal handling for the DTR signal. The signal handling can be one of the following:

assert—The to-DCE signal must be asserted.

auto-synchronize—Normal DTR signal with automatic synchronization. This statement has two substatements:

duration milliseconds—Pulse duration of resynchronization.

Range: 1 through 1000 milliseconds

Default: 1000 milliseconds

interval seconds—Offset interval for resynchronization.

Range: 1 through 31 seconds

Default: 15 seconds

de-assert—The to-DCE signal must be deasserted.

normal—Normal DTR signal handling as defined by the TIA/EIA Standard 530.

Default: normal

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2013-08-01

Published: 2013-08-01