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interface (IEEE 802.1x)


interface interface-id {maximum-requests integer;quiet-period seconds;reauthentication (disable | interval seconds);retries integer;server-timeout seconds;supplicant (single);supplicant-timeout seconds;transmit-period seconds;}

Hierarchy Level

[edit protocols dot1x authenticator]

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.3.


Use this statement to configure the 802.1x Port-Based Network Access Control protocol-specific Ethernet interface options.


The default values are provided for the options below on the respective statement pages.


maximum-requests—Specify the maximum number of retransmission times for an EAPOL Request packet to the client before it times out the authentication session.

quiet-period—Specify the number of seconds the port remains in the wait state following a failed authentication exchange with the client, before reattempting the authentication.

reauthentication—Includes two options:

  • disable—Periodic reauthentication of the client is disabled.
  • interval—Specify the periodic reauthentication time interval.

retries—Specify the number of tries after which the port remains in the wait state for quiet-period seconds before reattempting the authentication.

server-timeout—Specify the number of seconds the port waits for a reply when relaying a response from the client to the authentication server before timing out and invoking the server-fail action.

supplicant (single)—Specify supplicant single mode. See the usage guidelines to configure other modes.

supplicant-timeout—Specify the number of seconds the port waits for a response when relaying a request from the authentication server to the client before resending the request.

transmit-period—Specify the number of seconds the port waits before retransmitting the initial EAPOL PDUs to the client.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2013-08-01

Published: 2013-08-01