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    (loop-timing | no-loop-timing);

    Hierarchy Level

    [edit interfaces ct3-fpc/pic/port t3-options],[edit interfaces e1-fpc/pic/port:0 sonet-options],[edit interfaces stm1-fpc/pic/port sonet-options]

    Release Information

    Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.


    For channelized IQ interfaces and non-IQ channelized STM1 interfaces only, configure the SONET/SDH or DS3-level clocking source.

    Note: On M Series, MX Series, and T Series routers, under E1 channels, loop timing can be configured only at channel 0. When you configure on channel 0, it is applicable on all channels as internal by default.


    loop-timing—Configure loop timing (external) clocking.

    no-loop-timing—Configure line timing (internal) clocking.

    Default: no-loop-timing

    Required Privilege Level

    interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

    interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

    Published: 2013-08-01