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mac-table-aging-time seconds;

Hierarchy Level

For platforms without ELS:

[edit ethernet-switching-options],[edit vlans vlan-name]

For platforms with ELS:

[edit vlans vlan-name switch-options]

Release Information

Statement introduced for specific VLANs in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.


Define how long entries remain in the Ethernet switching table before expiring:

  • If you specify this statement at the [ethernet-switching-options] hierarchy level, it applies to all VLANs on the switch.
  • If you specify this statement at the [vlans] hierarchy level, it applies to the specified VLAN.


300 seconds


seconds—Time that entries remain in the Ethernet switching table before being removed.

  • Range—60 to 1,000,000 seconds.
  • Default—300 seconds.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2014-07-23