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next-hop (Dynamic Access-Internal Routes)


next-hop next-hop;

Hierarchy Level

[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name routing-instances $junos-routing-instance routing-options access route prefix],[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name routing-instances $junos-routing-instance routing-options rib routing-table-name access route prefix],[edit dynamic-profiles profile-name routing-options access route prefix]

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5.

Support at the [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name routing-instances $junos-routing-instance routing-options access route prefix] and [edit dynamic-profiles profile-name routing-instances $junos-routing-instance routing-options rib routing-table-name access route prefix] hierarchy levels introduced in Junos OS Release 10.1.


Dynamically configure the next-hop address for an access route. Access routes are typically unnumbered interfaces.


next-hop—Either the specific next-hop address you want to assign to the access route or one of the following next-hop address predefined variables.

  • For IPv4 access routes, use the variable, $junos-framed-route-nexthop. The route prefix variable is dynamically replaced with the value in Framed-Route RADIUS attribute [22].
  • For IPv6 access routes, use the variable, $junos-framed-route-ipv6-nexthop. The variable is dynamically replaced with the value in Framed-IPv6-Route RADIUS attribute [99].

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2014-04-23

Supported Platforms

Published: 2014-04-23