Supported Platforms
traceoptions (Interface Process)
Hierarchy Level
Release Information
Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Define tracing operations for the interface process (dcd).
If you do not include this statement, no interface-specific tracing operations are performed.
disable—(Optional) Disable the tracing operation. You can use this option to disable a single operation when you have defined a broad group of tracing operations, such as all.
filename—Name of the file to receive the output of the tracing operation. Enclose the name within quotation marks. All files are placed in the directory /var/log. By default, interface process tracing output is placed in the file dcd.
files number—(Optional) Maximum number of trace files. When a trace file named trace-file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed trace-file.0, then trace-file.1, and so on, until the maximum number of trace files is reached. Then the oldest trace file is overwritten.
If you specify a maximum number of files, you also must specify a maximum file size with the size option.
Range: 2 through 1000
Default: 3 files
flag—Tracing operation to perform. To specify more than one tracing operation, include multiple flag statements. You can include the following flags:
- all
- change-events—Log changes that produce configuration events
- config-states—Log the configuration state machine changes
- kernel—Log configuration IPC messages to kernel
- kernel-detail—Log details of configuration messages to kernel
no-world-readable—(Optional) Disallow any user to read the log file.
size size—(Optional) Maximum size of each trace file, in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB). When a trace file named trace-file reaches this size, it is renamed trace-file.0. When the trace-file again reaches its maximum size, trace-file.0 is renamed trace-file.1 and trace-file is renamed trace-file.0. This renaming scheme continues until the maximum number of trace files is reached. Then, the oldest trace file is overwritten.
If you specify a maximum file size, you also must specify a maximum number of trace files with the files option.
Syntax: xk to specify kilobytes, xm to specify megabytes, or xg to specify gigabytes
Range: 10 KB through the maximum file size supported on your router
Default: 1 MB
world-readable—(Optional) Allow any user to read the log file.
match regex—(Optional) Refine the output to include only those lines that match the given regular expression.
Required Privilege Level
interface—To view this statement in the configuration.
interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.