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traps traps;

Hierarchy Level

[edit services rpm probe owner test test-name]

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.3 for EX Series switches.

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 13.2 for PTX Series Packet Transport Routers.


Set the trap bit to generate traps for probes. Traps are sent if the configured threshold is met or exceeded.


traps—Specify one or more traps. The following options are supported:

  • egress-jitter-exceeded—Generates traps when the jitter in egress time threshold is met or exceeded.
  • egress-std-dev-exceeded—Generates traps when the egress time standard deviation threshold is met or exceeded.
  • egress-time-exceeded—Generates traps when the maximum egress time threshold is met or exceeded.
  • ingress-jitter-exceeded—Generates traps when the jitter in ingress time threshold is met or exceeded.
  • ingress-std-dev-exceeded—Generates traps when the ingress time standard deviation threshold is met or exceeded.
  • ingress-time-exceeded—Generates traps when the maximum ingress time threshold is met or exceeded.
  • jitter-exceeded—Generates traps when the jitter in round-trip time threshold is met or exceeded.
  • probe-failure—Generates traps for successive probe loss thresholds crossed.
  • rtt-exceeded—Generates traps when the maximum round-trip time threshold is met or exceeded.
  • std-dev-exceeded—Generates traps when the round-trip time standard deviation threshold is met or exceeded.
  • test-completion—Generates traps when a test is completed.
  • test-failure—Generates traps when the total probe loss threshold is met or exceeded.

Note: For RPM traps to be generated, you must configure the remote-operations SNMP trap category by including the categories statement at the [edit snmp trap-group trap-group-name hierarchy level.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.


Published: 2014-04-24


Published: 2014-04-24