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virtual-link-local-address ipv6-address;

Hierarchy Level

[edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family inet6 address address vrrp-inet6-group group-id],[edit logical-systems logical-system-name interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family inet6 address address vrrp-inet6-group group-id]

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 8.4.

Statement introduced in Junos OS 11.3 for the QFX Series.


Configure a virtual link-local address for a Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) IPv6 group. You must explicitly define a virtual link-local address for each VRRP for IPv6 group. The virtual link-local address must be in the same subnet as the physical interface address.

Note: You do not need to configure link-local addresses and virtual link-local addresses when configuring VRRP for IPv6. Junos OS automatically generates link-local addresses and virtual link-local addresses. However, if link local addresses and virtual link-local addresses are configured, Junos OS considers the configured addresses.


ipv6-address—virtual link-local IPv6 address for VRRP for an IPv6 group.

Range: 0 through 255

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Published: 2013-08-28