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Dynamic Implicit Rules

After successful negotiation with the dynamic peer, the key management process (kmd) creates a dynamic rule for the accepted phase 2 proxy and applies it on the local AS or MultiServices PIC. The source and destination addresses are specified by the accepted proxy. This rule is used to encrypt traffic directed to one of the end hosts in the phase 2 proxy identity.

Note: You do not configure this rule; it is created by the key management process (kmd).

The ipsec-inside-interface value is the interface name assigned to the dynamic tunnel. The source-address and destination-address values are accepted from the proxy ID. The match-direction value is input for next-hop-style service sets.

Rule lookup for static tunnels is unaffected by the presence of a dynamic rule; it is performed in the order configured. When a packet is received for a service-set, static rules are always matched first. Dynamic rules are matched only after the rule match for static rules has failed.

Published: 2013-07-19

Supported Platforms

Published: 2013-07-19