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    [edit services mobile-ip] Hierarchy Level

    services {mobile-ip {access-type {(generic | wimax);}authenticate {order (aaa | local);}dynamic-home-assignment {home-agent {nai (name@domain | @domain) {home-agent ip-address;}}}home-agent {enable-service interface-name;virtual-network {home-agent-address ip-address {registration-lifetime seconds;revocation-required;timestamp-tolerance seconds;}}}peer {(ip-address address | nai user@domain) {spi hexadecimal-value {algorithm (hmac-md5 | md5);entity-type (host | mobility-agent);key (hex | ascii) string;replay-method (none | timestamp seconds);}}}traceoptions { file <filename> <files number> <match regular-expression > <size maximum-file-size> <world-readable | no-world-readable>;flag flag;level (all | error | info | notice | verbose | warning);no-remote-trace;}}}

    Published: 2013-07-31