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Configuring Edge Virtual Bridging (CLI Procedure)

Configure edge virtual bridging (EVB) when a switch is connected to a virtual machine (VM) server using virtual Ethernet port aggregator (VEPA) technology. EVB does not convert packets; rather, it ensures that packets from oneVM destined for another VM on the same VM server is switched. In other words, when the source and destination of a packet are the same port, EVB delivers the packet properly, which otherwise would not happen.

Note: Configuring EVB also enables Virtual Station Interface (VSI) Discovery and Configuration Protocol (VDP).

Before you begin configuring EVB, ensure that you have:

  • Configured packet aggregation on the server connected to the port that you will use on the switch for EVB. See your server documentation.
  • Configured the EVB interface for all VLANs located on the virtual machines. See Configuring VLANs for EX Series Switches (CLI Procedure).

    Note: The port security features MAC move limiting and MAC limiting are supported on interfaces that are configured for EVB; however, the port security features IP source guard, dynamic ARP inspection (DAI), and DHCP snooping are not supported by EVB. For more information about these features, see Port Security Overview.

To configure EVB on the switch:

  1. Configure tagged-access mode for the interfaces on which you will enable EVB:
    [edit interfaces interface-name]
    user@switch# set unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode tagged-access
  2. Enable the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) on the interfaces on which you will enable EVB:.
    [edit protocols]
    user@switch# set lldp interface interface-name
  3. Configure the interfaces for EVB as members of all VLANs located on the virtual machines.
    [edit protocols]
    user@switch# set vlans vlan-name vlan-id vlan-number
  4. Enable VDP on the interfaces:
    [edit protocols]
    user@switch# set edge-virtual-bridging vsi-discovery interface interface-name
  5. Define policies for VSI information, including a VSI manager ID, VSI type, VSI version, and VSI instance ID:
    [edit policy-options]
    user@switch# set vsi-policy policy-name from vsi-manager manager-number vsi-type type-number vsi-version version-number vsi-instance instance-number
    user@switch# set vsi-policy policy-name then filter filter-name
  6. Define the firewall filters you mapped to in the previous step. When each incoming packet matches the filter, the count is incremented by 1. Other possible actions are accept and drop.
    [edit firewall family ethernet-switching]
    user@switch# set filter filter-name term term-name then action
  7. Associate VSI policies with VDP:
    [edit protocols]
    user@switch# set edge-virtual-bridging vsi-discovery vsi-policy policy-name
  8. Verify that the virtual machine successfully associated with the switch. After successful association of the VSI Profile with the switch interface, verify the learning of the VM’s MAC address on MAC-Table or Forwarding database Table. The learn type of the VM’s MAC addresses will be VDP, and upon successful shutdown of VM the corresponding MAC-VLAN entry will get flushed out from FDB table otherwise it will never shutdown.
    admin@host# run show ethernet-switching table
  9. Verify that VSI profiles are being learned at the switch:
    user@switch# show edge-virtual-bridging vsi-profiles
  10. Check the statistics of ECP packet exchanges between the switch and server:
    user@switch# show edge-virtual-bridging ecp statistics

Published: 2014-04-23