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Configuring Remaining Common Queues on MIC and MPC Interfaces

30-Gigabit Ethernet Queuing MPCs and 60-Gigabit Ethernet Queuing and Enhanced Queuing MPCs support a dedicated set of queues when configured with hierarchical scheduling.

When the number of dedicated queues is reached on the module, there can be queues remaining. Traffic from these logical interfaces are considered unclassified and attached to a common set of queues that are shared by all subsequent logical interfaces.

You can configure traffic shaping and scheduling resources for the remaining queues by attaching a special traffic-control profile to the interface. This feature enables you to provide the same shaping and scheduling to remaining queues as the dedicated queues.

To configure the remaining queues on a MIC or MPC interface:

  1. Configure CoS parameters in a traffic-control profile.
    [edit class-of-service]user@host# edit traffic-control-profiles profile-name
  2. Enable hierarchical scheduling for the interface.
    [edit interfaces interface-name]user@host# set hierarchical-scheduler
  3. Attach the traffic control profiles for the dedicated and remaining queues to the port on which you enabled hierarchical scheduling.

    To provide the same shaping and scheduling parameters to dedicated and remaining queues, reference the same traffic-control profile.

    1. Attach the traffic-control profile for the dedicated queues on the interface.
      [edit class-of-service interfaces interface-name]user@host# set output-traffic-control-profile profile-name
    2. Attach the traffic-control profile for the remaining queues on the interface.
      [edit class-of-service interfaces interface-name]user@host# set output-traffic-control-profile-remaining profile-name

Published: 2013-08-28