Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- PIM Overview
- EX, J, M, MX, SRX, T Series, QFX Series standalone switches
- Understanding MLD
Configuring Local PIM RPs
Local RP configuration makes the routing device a statically defined RP. Consider statically defining an RP if the network does not have many different RPs defined or if the RP assignment does not change very often. The Junos IPv6 PIM implementation supports only static RP configuration. Automatic RP announcement and bootstrap routers are not available with IPv6.
You can configure a local RP globally or for a routing instance. This example shows how to configure a local RP in a routing instance for IPv4 or IPv6.
To configure the routing device’s RP properties:
- Configure the routing instance as the local RP.
- Configure the IP protocol family and IP address.
IPv6 PIM hello messages are sent to every interface on which you configure family inet6, whether at the PIM level of the hierarchy or not. As a result, if you configure an interface with both family inet at the [edit interface interface-name] hierarchy level and family inet6 at the [edit protocols pim interface interface-name] hierarchy level, PIM sends both IPv4 and IPv6 hellos to that interface.
By default, PIM operates in sparse mode on an interface. If you explicitly configure sparse mode, PIM uses this setting for all IPv6 multicast groups. However, if you configure sparse-dense mode, PIM does not accept IPv6 multicast groups as dense groups and operates in sparse mode over them.
- (IPv4 only) Configure the routing device’s RP priority.
Note: The priority statement is not supported for IPv6, but is included here for informational purposes. The routing device’s priority value for becoming the RP is included in the bootstrap messages that the routing device sends. Use a smaller number to increase the likelihood that the routing device becomes the RP for local multicast groups. Each PIM routing device uses the priority value and other factors to determine the candidate RPs for a particular group range. After the set of candidate RPs is distributed, each routing device determines algorithmically the RP from the candidate RP set using a hash function. By default, the priority value is set to 1. If this value is set to 0, the bootstrap router can override the group range being advertised by the candidate RP.
- Configure the groups for which the routing device is the
By default, a routing device running PIM is eligible to be the RP for all IPv4 or IPv6 groups ( or FF70::/12 to FFF0::/12). The following example limits the groups for which this routing device can be the RP.
[edit routing-instances VPN-A protocols pim rp local]user@host# set group-ranges fec0::/10user@host# set group-ranges - (IPv4 only) Modify the local RP hold time.
If the local routing device is configured as an RP, it is considered a candidate RP for its local multicast groups. For candidate RPs, the hold time is used by the bootstrap router to time out RPs, and applies to the bootstrap RP-set mechanism. The RP hold time is part of the candidate RP advertisement message sent by the local routing device to the bootstrap router. If the bootstrap router does not receive a candidate RP advertisement from an RP within the hold time, it removes that routing device from its list of candidate RPs. The default hold time is 150 seconds.
- (Optional) Override dynamic RP for the specified group
address range.
If you configure both static RP mapping and dynamic RP mapping (such as auto-RP) in a single routing instance, allow the static mapping to take precedence for the given static RP group range, and allow dynamic RP mapping for all other groups.
If you exclude this statement from the configuration and you use both static and dynamic RP mechanisms for different group ranges within the same routing instance, the dynamic RP mapping takes precedence over the static RP mapping, even if static RP is defined for a specific group range.
- Monitor the operation of PIM by running the show pim commands. Run show pim ? to display the supported commands.
Related Documentation
- EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- PIM Overview
- EX, J, M, MX, SRX, T Series, QFX Series standalone switches
- Understanding MLD
Published: 2014-07-23
Supported Platforms
Related Documentation
- EX, J, M, MX, PTX, SRX, T Series, QFabric System, QFX Series standalone switches
- PIM Overview
- EX, J, M, MX, SRX, T Series, QFX Series standalone switches
- Understanding MLD