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Configuring a Route to Be Tracked

A VRRP master can track a route and dynamically trigger a new master router election if the route becomes unreachable. To enable this behavior, you must configure a cost that will be subtracted from the priority of the master if the tracked route becomes unreachable. The new priority must be less than the priority of one of the backups so that the backup becomes the new master.

To configure a route to be tracked, include the following statements:

track {priority-hold-time seconds;route prefix/prefix-length routing-instance default priority-cost priority;}

You can include these statements at the following hierarchy level:

  • [edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family inet address address vrrp-group group-id]

The prefix and prefix-length values specify the route to be tracked. The priority-hold-time statement is the minimum length of time that must elapse between priority changes. If the priority of the master changes because of a tracking event, the priority hold timer begins. If another tracking event or manual configuration change occurs while the timer is running, the new priority update is postponed until the timer expires. You might configure the priority-hold-time statement to prevent problems that could occur if there were multiple VRRP transitions in a short period of time.

The priority-cost option is the value to be subtracted from the VRRP priority when the tracked route goes down. The value can be 1 through 254. The sum of the costs for all tracked interfaces and routes must be less than or equal to the configured priority (so that subtracting all the costs results in a priority equal to or greater than 0).

Published: 2014-07-23