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Discarding Parts of a Candidate Configuration

Before committing a candidate configuration, you can discard changes you applied or delete existing statements or identifiers.

To discard parts of a candidate configuration:

  1. Navigate to the level of the hierarchy you want to edit, and click Discard.

    The main pane displays a list of target statements based on the hierarchy level and the changes you have made.

  2. Select an option button to specify the appropriate discard operation or deletion. (Not all buttons appear in all situations.)
    • Discard Changes Below This Point—Discards changes made to the candidate configuration at the displayed hierarchy level and below. All subordinate statements and identifiers contained within a discarded statement are also discarded.
    • Discard All Changes—Discards all changes made to the candidate configuration.
    • Delete Configuration Below This Point—Deletes all changes and statements in the candidate configuration at the displayed hierarchy level and below. All subordinate statements and identifiers contained within a deleted statement are also deleted.
  3. To confirm the discard operation or deletion, click Discard.

The updated candidate configuration does not take effect on the routing platform until you commit it.

Published: 2013-08-14

Published: 2013-08-14