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Displaying Resource Limits

To display the applied policies, use the show system processes resource-limits process-name process-ui-name operational command. The following example configuration, when committed, applies resource limits for an application package jnx-example and overrides it with process-level settings for the process jnx-example-service:

[edit system extensions]
user@router# show
resource-limits {
    package jnx-example {
        resources {
            memory {
                stack-size 4m;
    process jnx-example-service {
        resources {
            file {
                size 4m;

Using the show system processes resource-limits process-name command, the output for jnx-example-foo-binary, part of package jnx-example, looks like the following output because the package-level settings are applied on it:

user@router> show system processes resource-limits process-name jnx-example-foo-binary
Resource Limits:
  Area                       Max. allowed     Max. configurable
  memory/stack-size                   4MB                   8MB
  memory/data-size                   32MB                  32MB
  memory/resident-set-size           24MB                  24MB
  memory/locked-in                   16MB                  16MB
  cpu/priority                         10                    10
  file/open                            64                    64

The output for jnx-example-service looks like this:

user@router> show system processes resource-limits process-name jnx-example-service
Resource Limits:
  Area                       Max. allowed     Max. configurable
  file/size                           4MB             unlimited
  file/open                            64                    64
  cpu/priority                         10                    10
  memory/stack-size                   8MB                   8MB
  memory/data-size                   32MB                  32MB
  memory/resident-set-size           24MB                  24MB
  memory/locked-in                   16MB                  16MB

For more detail on the show system processes resource-limits process-name process-ui-name operational command, see its command summary.

Published: 2013-08-16