Displaying System Component Status
You can display the current health status for the JCS1200 platform to determine if system components are operating properly. For each component, health status can be:
- Ok
- Warning
- Critical
Display health status for the JCS1200 platform using the JCS management module CLI health command.
The following sample output appears when health status is displayed for all components installed in the JCS1200 platform:
system> health —l a
OK mm[1] : OK mm[2] : OK blade[1] : OK blade[2] : OK blade[3] : OK blade[4] : OK blade[5] : Minor blade[6] : OK power[1] : OK power[2] : OK power[3] : OK power[4] : OK blower[1] : OK blower[2] : OK blower[3] : OK blower[4] : OK switch[1] : OK switch[2] : OK
The following sample output appears when health status is displayed for a JCS Routing Engine:
system> health -l –a T system:blade[5]
system: Minor blade[5]:Minor 5V over voltage CPU1 temperature warning
In this example, a minor warning appears for the Routing Engine in slot 5. The voltage level has risen, causing a temperature increase.