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Configuring E1 Framing

By default, E1 interfaces use the G704 framing mode. You can configure the alternative unframed mode if needed.

To have the interface use the unframed mode, include the framing statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name e1-options] hierarchy level, specifying the unframed option:

[edit interfaces interface-name e1-options]framing unframed;

To explicitly configure G704 framing, include the framing statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name e1-options] hierarchy level, specifying the g704 option:

[edit interfaces interface-name e1-options]framing g704;

By default, G704 framing uses CRC4. To explicitly configure an interface’s G704 framing to not use CRC4, include the framing statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name e1-options] hierarchy level, specifying the g704-no-crc4 option:

[edit interfaces interface-name e1-options]framing g704-no-crc4;

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Published: 2013-08-01

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Published: 2013-08-01