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Configuring T3 BERT Properties

This section discusses BERT properties for the T3 interface specifically. For general information about the Junos implementation of the BERT procedure, see Interface Diagnostics.

You can configure a T3 interface to execute a bit error rate test (BERT) when the interface receives a request to run this test. You specify the duration of the test, the pattern to send in the bit stream, and the error rate to include in the bit stream by including the bert-period, bert-algorithm, and bert-error-rate statements at the [edit interfaces interface-name t3-options] hierarchy level:

[edit interfaces interface-namet3-options]bert-algorithm algorithm;bert-error-rate rate;bert-period seconds;

By default, the BERT period is 10 seconds. You can configure the BERT period to last from 1 through 239 seconds on some PICs and from 1 through 240 seconds on other PICs.

rate is the bit error rate. This can be an integer from 0 through 7, which corresponds to a bit error rate from 10–0 (1 error per bit) to 10–7 (1 error per 10 million bits).

algorithm is the pattern to send in the bit stream. The default algorithm for the DS3 BERT procedure is pseudo-2e15-o151 (pattern is 215–1, as defined in the CCITT/ITU O.151 standard).

On T3 interfaces, you can also select the pattern to send in the bit stream by including the bert-algorithm statement at the [edit interfaces interface-name interface-options] hierarchy level:

[edit interfaces interface-name interface-options]bert-algorithm algorithm;

For a list of supported algorithms, enter a ? after the bert-algorithm statement; for example:

[edit interfaces t3-0/0/0 t3-options]user@host# set bert-algorithm ?Possible completions:all-ones-repeating Repeating one bitsall-zeros-repeating Repeating zero bitsalternating-double-ones-zeros Alternating pairs of ones and zerosalternating-ones-zeros Alternating ones and zerospseudo-2e10 Pattern is 2^10 - 1...

Note: When configuring t3-options bert-error-rate on J Series routers, only 0 and 3 through 7 are valid values. If you enter 1 or 2, Junos OS will return the error message configuration check-out failed.

For specific hierarchy information, see individual interface types. For information about running the BERT procedure, see the Junos OS Operational Mode Commands.

Published: 2013-08-01