Linux 시스템의 샘플 Syslog 서버 구성
안전한 Junos OS 환경에서는 이벤트 감사를 수행하고 이를 로컬 감사 파일에 저장해야 합니다. 기록된 이벤트는 동시에 외부 syslog 서버로 전송됩니다. syslog 서버는 디바이스에서 스트리밍된 syslog 메시지를 수신합니다. syslog 서버에는 스트리밍된 syslog 메시지를 수신하도록 구성된 NETCONF 지원 SSH 클라이언트가 있어야 합니다.
NDcPP 로그는 이벤트를 캡처하며 그 중 일부는 다음과 같습니다.
커밋된 변경 내용
사용자의 로그인 및 로그아웃
SSH 세션 설정 실패
SSH 세션의 설정 또는 종료
시스템 시간 변경
로컬 파일에 이벤트 로깅 구성
로컬 파일에 메시지 저장 및 명령문과 함께 기록할 세부사항 레벨을 구성할 수 있습니다 syslog
. 이 예에서는 syslog라는 파일에 로그를 저장합니다.
[edit system] syslog { file syslog; }
원격 서버에 대한 이벤트 로깅 구성
NETCONF over SSH를 사용하여 이벤트 로그 메시지를 원격 시스템 이벤트 로깅 서버로 전송하는 이벤트 추적 모니터를 설정하여 감사 정보를 안전한 원격 서버로 내보내도록 구성합니다. 다음 절차에서는 SSH를 통한 NETCONF를 사용하여 시스템 로그 메시지를 안전한 외부 서버로 보내는 데 필요한 구성을 보여줍니다.
원격 서버에서 연결을 시작할 때 원격 서버에 대한 이벤트 로깅 구성
다음 절차에서는 원격 시스템 로그 서버에서 TOE에 대한 SSH 연결이 시작될 때 원격 서버에 대한 이벤트 로깅을 구성하는 단계에 대해 설명합니다.
다음 출력은 syslog 서버에 대한 테스트 로그 결과를 보여줍니다.
host@ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -C 'syslog-monitor key pair' -f ~/.ssh/syslog-monitor Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/host/.ssh/syslog-monitor. Your public key has been saved in /home/host/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: ef:75:d7:68:c5:ad:8d:6f:5e:7a:7e:9b:3d:f1:4d:3f syslog-monitor key pair The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | | | | | | | ..| | S +| | . Bo| | . . *.X| | . . o E@| | . .BX| +-----------------+ [host@linux]$ cat /home/host/.ssh/ ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCrUREJUBpjwAoIgRrGy9zgt+ D2pikk3Q/Wdf8I5vr+njeqJhCx2bUAkrRbYXNILQQAZbg7kLfi/8TqqL eon4HOP2e6oCSorKdx/GrOTzLONL4fh0EyuSAk8bs5JuwWNBUokV025 gzpGFsBusGnlj6wqqJ/sjFsMmfxyCkbY+pUWb8m1/A9YjOFT+6esw+9S tF6Gbg+VpbYYk/Oday4z+z7tQHRFSrxj2G92aoliVDBLJparEMBc8w LdSUDxmgBTM2oadOmm+kreBUQjrmr6775RJn9H9YwIxKOxGm4SFnX/Vl4 R+lZ9RqmKH2wodIEM34K0wXEHzAzNZ01oLmaAVqT syslog-monitor key pair [host@linux]$ eval `ssh-agent ` Agent pid 1453 [host@linux]$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/syslog-monitor Enter passphrase for /home/host/.ssh/syslog-monitor: Identity added: /home/host/.ssh/syslog-monitor (/home/host/.ssh/syslog-monitor)
네트 구성 채널
host@linux]$ ssh syslog-mon@starfire -s netconf>test.out host@linux]$ cat test.out this is NDcPP test device <!-- No zombies were killed during the creation of this user interface -- <!-- user syslog-mon, class j-monitor -><hello> <capabilities> <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0</capability> <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:capability:candidate:1.0</capability> <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:capability:confirmed-commit:1.0</capability> <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:capability:validate:1.0</capability> <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:capability:url:1.0?protocol=http,ftp,file</capability> <capability></capability> <capability></capability> </capabilities> <session-id4129/session-id> </hello> ]]>]]>
다음 출력은 syslog 서버에서 수신되는 TOE에서 생성된 이벤트 로그를 보여 줍니다.
Jan 20 17:04:51 starfire sshd[4182]: error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key Jan 20 17:04:51 starfire sshd[4182]: error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key Jan 20 17:04:53 starfire sshd[4182]: Accepted password for sec-admin from port 55571 ssh2 Jan 20 17:04:53 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_AUTH_EVENT: Authenticated user 'sec-admin' at permission level 'j-administrator' Jan 20 17:04:53 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_LOGIN_EVENT: User 'sec-admin' login, class 'j-administrator' [4186], ssh-connection ' 55571 22', client-mode 'cli'
네트 구성 채널
host@linux]$ ssh syslog-mon@starfire -s netconf this is NDcPP test device <!-- No zombies were killed during the creation of this user interface -- <!-- user syslog-mon, class j-monitor -><hello> <capabilities> <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0</capability> <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:capability:candidate:1.0</capability> <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:capability:confirmed-commit:1.0</capability> <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:capability:validate:1.0</capability> <capability>urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:capability:url:1.0?protocol=http,ftp,file</capability> <capability></capability> <capability></capability> </capabilities> <session-id4129/session-id> </hello> ]]>]]>
다음 출력은 수신된 로컬 syslog와 원격 syslog가 유사하다는 것을 보여줍니다.
Local : an 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Redundancy interface management process checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/rdd' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/rdd', PID 4317, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Dynamic flow capture service checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/dfcd' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/dfcd', PID 4318, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Connectivity fault management process checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/cfmd' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/cfmd', PID 4319, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Layer 2 address flooding and learning process checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/l2ald' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/l2ald', PID 4320, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Layer 2 Control Protocol process checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/l2cpd' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire l2cp[4321]: Initializing PNAC state machines Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire l2cp[4321]: Initializing PNAC state machines complete Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire l2cp[4321]: Initialized 802.1X module and state machinesJan 20 17:09:30 starfire l2cp[4321]: Read acess profile () config Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/l2cpd', PID 4321, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Multicast Snooping process checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/mcsnoopd' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/mcsnoopd', PID 4325, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: commit wrapup... Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: activating '/var/etc/ntp.conf' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: start ffp activate Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/ffp' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire ffp[4326]: "dynamic-profiles": No change to profiles....................................
Remote : an 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Redundancy interface management process checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/rdd' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/rdd', PID 4317, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Dynamic flow capture service checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/dfcd' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/dfcd', PID 4318, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Connectivity fault management process checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/cfmd' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/cfmd', PID 4319, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Layer 2 address flooding and learning process checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/l2ald' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/l2ald', PID 4320, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Layer 2 Control Protocol process checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/l2cpd' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire l2cp[4321]: Initializing PNAC state machines Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire l2cp[4321]: Initializing PNAC state machines complete Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire l2cp[4321]: Initialized 802.1X module and state machinesJan 20 17:09:30 starfire l2cp[4321]: Read acess profile () config Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/l2cpd', PID 4321, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: Multicast Snooping process checking new configuration Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/mcsnoopd' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_STATUS: Cleanup child '/usr/sbin/mcsnoopd', PID 4325, status 0 Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: commit wrapup... Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: activating '/var/etc/ntp.conf' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_COMMIT_PROGRESS: Commit operation in progress: start ffp activate Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire mgd[4186]: UI_CHILD_START: Starting child '/usr/sbin/ffp' Jan 20 17:09:30 starfire ffp[4326]: "dynamic-profiles": No change to profiles ...............