show bgp neighbor
show bgp neighbor <exact-instance instance-name> <instance instance-name> <logical-system (all | logical-system-name)> <neighbor-address> <output-queue> <orf (detail | neighbor-address) <rib-sharding (main | rib-shard-name)>
구문(EX 시리즈 스위치, QFX 시리즈, OCX 시리즈 및 cRPD)
show bgp neighbor <instance instance-name> <exact-instance instance-name> <neighbor-address> <orf (neighbor-address | detail)> <rib-sharding neighbor-address> <validation statistics peer>
구문(SRX 시리즈)
show bgp neighbor <neighbor-address> <instance instance-name>
BGP 피어에 대한 정보를 표시합니다.
none | 모든 BGP 피어에 대한 정보를 표시합니다. |
exact-instance instance-name | (선택 사항) 지정된 인스턴스에 대한 정보만 표시합니다. |
instance instance-name | (선택 사항) 이름이 이 문자열로 시작하는 모든 라우팅 인스턴스의 BGP 피어에 대한 정보를 표시합니다(예: |
logical-system (all | logical-system-name) | (선택 사항) 모든 논리적 시스템 또는 특정 논리적 시스템에서 이 작업을 수행합니다. |
neighbor-address | (선택 사항) 지정된 IP 주소의 BGP 피어에 대한 정보만 표시합니다. |
orf (detail | neighbor-address) | (선택 사항) 모든 BGP 피어에 대한 아웃바운드 경로 필터링 정보를 표시하거나 지정된 IP 주소의 BGP 피어에 대해서만 표시합니다. 기본값은 간단한 출력을 표시하는 것입니다. |
output-queue | (선택 사항) 우선 순위가 지정된 17개의 BGP 출력 대기열에서 현재 대기열에 있는 경로 수에 대한 정보를 표시합니다. |
rib-sharding (main | junos-bgpshardshard-number) | (선택 사항) 특정 샤드에 대한 정보만 표시합니다. NSR이 구성되면 백업 라우팅 엔진에 정보를 표시합니다. 예: junos-bgpshard0. 생략하면 기본 샤드를 포함한 모든 샤드에서 집계된 데이터가 표시됩니다. |
validation statistics peer | (선택 사항) BGP peer-RIB 검증 통계를 표시합니다. |
추가 정보
, hold-time,
및 preference
문에 대한 local-address, nlri
자세한 내용은 라우팅 디바이스용 Junos OS 라우팅 프로토콜 라이브러리를 참조하십시오.
필요한 권한 수준
출력 필드
표 1 에는 명령의 출력 필드가 설명되어 있습니다 show bgp neighbor
. 출력 필드는 나타나는 대략적인 순서대로 나열됩니다.
필드 이름 |
필드 설명 |
BGP 인접 라우터의 주소입니다. 주소 뒤에는 인접 포트 번호가 옵니다. |
피어의 AS 번호입니다. |
로컬 라우팅 디바이스의 주소입니다. 주소 뒤에는 피어 포트 번호가 옵니다. |
피어 유형: |
피어가 생성된 동적 이웃 템플릿의 이름입니다.
동적 이웃 템플릿은 허용된 주소 범위와 그룹의 동적 이웃에 대한 피어 제한 구성 또는 자동 검색을 구성하기 위해 생성됩니다. |
BGP 세션의 현재 상태:
내부 BGP 플래그:
BGP 세션의 이전 상태:
BGP 세션에서 발생한 마지막 활동:
BGP 세션에서 발생한 마지막 오류:
피어에 구성된 내보내기 정책의 이름입니다. |
피어에 구성된 가져오기 정책의 이름입니다. |
구성된 BGP 옵션:
인접 업데이트에서 삭제된 경로 속성 코드입니다. |
인접 항목 업데이트 중에 무시되는 경로 속성 코드입니다. |
BGP 인접 라우터는 LLGR(Long-Lived Graceful Restart) 재스타터 모드를 완전히 지원하지 않습니다. |
BGP 인접 라우터는 모든 제품군에 대해 LLGR(Long-Lived Graceful Restart) 재스타터 모드를 지원하지 않습니다. |
(문이 구성된 경우에만 |
(문이 구성된 경우에만 |
(명령문의 또는 |
(명령문의 또는 |
(및 |
(및 |
(및 |
VPN에 대해 구성된 주소 패밀리의 이름. |
피어에 구성된 BGP 정적 정책의 이름입니다. |
로컬 라우팅 디바이스의 주소입니다. |
문과 |
문으로 |
labeled-unicast 관련 플래그:
레이블 지정된 유니캐스트 트래픽 통계에 대한 정보:
레이블이 지정된 유니캐스트 트래픽 통계의 샘플 기간 간 시간(초). |
명령문으로 |
BGP로 내보내기 전에 Junos OS 라우팅 테이블에서 경로를 사용할 수 있는 시간입니다. 이 필드는 매개변수가 0이 아닌 값으로 구성된 경우에만 |
BGP 세션이 중단되었다가 다시 켜진 횟수입니다. |
Update threading이 활성화된 경우 스레드 관련 상태를 표시합니다.
피어의 라우터 식별자입니다. |
BGP 피어 그룹의 인덱스 번호입니다. 인덱스 번호는 그룹 및 피어 수준에서 다른 구성 옵션으로 인해 단일 BGP 그룹이 분할될 때 그룹 간에 구별됩니다. |
피어가 속한 BGP 그룹 내에서 고유한 인덱스입니다. |
로컬 라우팅 디바이스의 라우터 식별자입니다. |
로컬 라우팅 디바이스의 인터페이스 이름입니다. |
로컬 라우팅 디바이스가 피어와 협상한 보류 시간입니다. |
Keepalive 간격(초)입니다. |
BGP I/O 세션 스레드 및 해당 상태(Update threading이 사용되도록 설정된 경우)를 표시합니다. |
BGP I/O 세션 스레드 및 해당 상태(Update threading이 사용되도록 설정된 경우)를 표시합니다. |
BFD 실패 감지 상태입니다. |
직접 EBGP 피어링이 설정되는 직접 연결된 인터페이스의 이름입니다. |
BGP 피어 또는 인접 라우터에 구성된 BGP long-lived graceful restart에 대한 주소 패밀리 이름 및 부실 시간. 시간은 라우팅 프로토콜 데몬(rpd) %#0T 형식을 사용하여 표시됩니다.
0개의 선행 요소는 생략되며, 예를 들어, 1주일 미만의 값은 주를 포함하지 않는다. |
BGP 피어가 BGP long-lived graceful restart를 위한 재시작 모드에 대해 지원하는 주소 패밀리 이름 및 부실 시간. 시간은 라우팅 프로토콜 데몬(rpd) %#0T 형식을 사용하여 표시됩니다.
0개의 선행 요소는 생략되며, 예를 들어, 1주일 미만의 값은 주를 포함하지 않는다. |
BGP 피어가 BGP long-lived graceful restart forwarding을 저장한 주소 패밀리의 이름입니다. |
LLGR 수신기 모드가 활성 상태인 동안(LLGR을 협상한 피어의 연결이 끊어지고 아직 다시 연결되지 않은 경우) LLGR이 만료될 때까지 남은 시간과 GR 부실 타이머에 남은 시간이 RIB 세부 정보와 함께 표시됩니다. |
인접 라우터에 대해 BGP GR(Graceful Restart) 수신기 모드가 활성화될 때 오래된 경로가 보류되거나 보존되는 주소 패밀리(NLRI)의 이름. |
BGP GR(Graceful Restart) 수신기 모드가 인접 라우터에 대해 활성화될 때 EoR(End-of-RIB) 마커가 가정될 때까지 오래된 타이머에 남은 시간입니다. 시간은 UTC(협정 세계시) 형식(YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS)으로 표시됩니다. 세션이 활성 상태일 때 오래된 타이머 표시('Time until end-of-rib is assumed')도 존재하지만, 인접 라우터는 아직 모든 end-of-rib 표시를 전송하지 않았습니다. |
BGP GR(Graceful Restart) 수신기 모드가 인접 라우터에 대해 활성화될 때 오래된 경로가 삭제되거나 수명이 긴 오래된 경로가 될 때까지의 시간입니다. |
다시 시작하도록 구성된 주소 패밀리의 이름입니다. |
피어에서 지원하는 주소 패밀리: |
이 세션에 사용되는 패밀리를 다룹니다. |
원격 피어가 전체 라우팅 테이블 재보급을 보내고 요청하는 기능(경로 새로 고침 기능) 자세한 내용은 RFC 2918을 Route Refresh Capability for BGP-4 참조하십시오. |
인접 항목에서 재시작이 허용되는 구성된 시간입니다. |
Graceful Restart가 협상되면 BGP 세션이 중단된 후 인접 라우터의 경로를 보류할 수 있는 최대 시간입니다. |
피어에서 Graceful Restart restarter-mode가 비활성화됩니다. |
피어에서 Graceful Restart helper-mode가 비활성화됩니다. |
기능 협상 중에 이 인접 디바이스가 요청한 재시작 시간입니다. |
이 필드가 나타나면 BGP 스피커가 다시 시작(Restarting)된 것이며, 이 피어는 스피커에 라우팅 정보를 보급하기 전에 스피커에서 마커를 기다리 |
이웃은 이 주소 패밀리에 대해 Graceful Restart를 지원합니다. |
이 주소 패밀리를 지원하는 이웃은 모든 포워딩 상태를 저장합니다. |
이웃은 이 주소 패밀리에 대한 모든 포워딩 상태를 저장합니다. |
라우터는 이 주소 패밀리에 대해 Graceful Restart를 지원합니다. |
end-of-routing-table 마커가 인접 라우터로부터 수신되는 주소 패밀리. |
end-of-routing-table 마커가 이웃으로 전송되는 주소 패밀리. |
피어는 BGP 메시지에서 4바이트 AS 번호를 인식합니다. 피어는 Junos OS 릴리스 9.1 이상을 실행하고 있습니다. |
다운스트림 피어가 활성 경로만 수신하는 대신 단일 목적지에 대한 여러 BGP 경로를 수신하도록 구성된 경우 로컬 라우터의 명령 출력에 나타납니다. 가능한 값은 inet-unicast입니다. |
업스트림 피어가 활성 경로만 전송하는 대신 여러 BGP 경로를 단일 대상으로 전송하도록 구성된 경우 로컬 라우터의 명령 출력에 나타납니다. 가능한 값은 inet-unicast입니다. |
라우팅 테이블에 대한 정보:
트래픽이 피어에서 수신되거나 피어로 전송된 마지막 시간 및 로컬 라우팅 디바이스가 마지막으로 확인한 시간. |
BGP가 수신 소켓 버퍼에서 수신한 메시지로, 총 메시지 수, 업데이트 메시지 수, 정책 변경 및 새로 고침 횟수, 버퍼 크기(옥텟)를 보여 줍니다. 버퍼 크기는 16KB 입니다. |
BGP가 전송 소켓 버퍼에 기록한 메시지로, 총 메시지 수, 업데이트 메시지 수, 정책 변경 및 새로 고침 횟수, 버퍼 크기(옥텟)를 표시합니다. 버퍼 크기는 16KB 입니다. |
삭제된 경로 속성에 대한 정보:
무시된 경로 속성에 대한 정보:
특정 라우팅 테이블에 대해 특정 인접 항목으로 전송하기 위해 대기 중인 BGP 패킷 수입니다. 출력 대기열 또한 라우팅 테이블 이름과 테이블이 보급된 NLRI를 형식으로 업데이트 스레딩이 활성화된 경우 Output Queue(출력 대기열) 필드에 업데이트 스레드의 Output Queue 수가 표시되며, 메인 또는 샤드에서 가져온 것으로 RIB당 Output Queue count(출력 대기열 수)를 표시하는 추가 필드가 표시됩니다.
보급되지 않은 라우팅 테이블의 출력 대기열은 출력 수준에서만 표시됩니다 |
BGP 프로토콜 패킷 및 작업의 추적을 구성했습니다. |
추적 작업의 출력을 받을 파일의 이름입니다. |
카운터는 누적됩니다. 예를 들어, 원격 피어가 아웃바운드 경로 필터링 접두사 목록을 재전송하거나 지운 후에 카운터가 증가합니다. |
카운터는 누적됩니다. 예를 들어, 원격 피어가 아웃바운드 경로 필터링 접두사 목록을 재전송하거나 지운 후에 카운터가 증가합니다. |
Valid Routes |
(옵션을 선택한 경우에만 |
Routes invalid due to max-length |
(옵션을 선택한 경우에만 |
Routes invalid due to origin-as |
(옵션을 선택한 경우에만 |
Unknown routes |
(옵션을 선택한 경우에만 |
Validation State |
잘못된 경로의 경우 잘못된 이유가 표시됩니다: [ |
샘플 출력
- bgp neighbor 표시
- show bgp neighbor(don't-help-shared-fate-bfd-down이 구성됨)
- show bgp neighbor(CLNS)
- show bgp neighbor(레이어 2 VPN)
- show bgp neighbor(레이어 3 VPN) (OCX 시리즈에서는 지원되지 않습니다.)
- bgp neighbor neighbor-address 표시
- bgp neighbor neighbor-address 표시
- show bgp neighbor neighbor-address(BGP Graceful Restart 활성화됨)
- show bgp neighbor neighbor-address(BGP Long-Lived Graceful Restart)
- bgp neighbor orf neighbor-address detail 표시
- bgp neighbor 논리 시스템 표시
- bgp neighbor 출력 대기열 표시
- bgp neighbor validation-statistics 피어 표시
- show bgp neighbor(세그먼트 라우팅 트래픽 엔지니어링)
- show bgp neighbor(rib-sharding 구성된 경우)
- show bgp neighbor(crpd에 rib-sharding이 구성된 경우)
- show bgp neighbor(drop-excess <percentage> 옵션이 구성되고 구성된 최대 구성 비율을 초과하지 않습니다.)
- show bgp neighbor(drop-excess <percentage> 옵션이 구성되고 구성된 최대 백분율을 초과합니다.)
- show bgp neighbor(hide-excess <percentage> 옵션이 구성되고 구성된 최대 백분율을 초과합니다.)
bgp neighbor 표시
user@host > show bgp neighbor
Junos OS 릴리스 16.1 이상을 실행하는 M 시리즈, MX 시리즈 및 T 시리즈 라우터의 경우, 출력에는 피어가 속한 BGP 그룹, show bgp neighbor
피어가 구성된 라우팅 인스턴스(있는 경우) 및 피어가 포워딩 컨텍스트에 사용하는 라우팅 인스턴스(해당하는 경우)가 포함됩니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
Peer: AS 65010 Local: AS 65010 Group: toAsbr2 Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: toAsbr2 Type: Internal State: Established Flags: <Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Export: [ redist_static ] Options: <Preference LocalAddress PeerAS Refresh> Options: <AdvertiseBGPStatic> Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Outbound Timer: 50 Number of flaps: 0 Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 Group index: 0 Peer index: 0 BFD: disabled, down NLRI for restart configured on peer: inet-unicast NLRI advertised by peer: inet-unicast NLRI for this session: inet-unicast Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300 Peer does not support Restarter functionality NLRI that restart is negotiated for: inet-unicast NLRI of received end-of-rib markers: inet-unicast NLRI of all end-of-rib markers sent: inet-unicast Peer supports 4 byte AS extension (peer-as 65010) Peer does not support Addpath NLRI that we support extended nexthop encoding for: inet-unicast NLRI that peer supports extended nexthop encoding for: inet-unicast Table inet.0 Bit: 10000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 1 Received prefixes: 1 Accepted prefixes: 1 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Advertised prefixes: 1 Last traffic (seconds): Received 9 Sent 5 Checked 5 Input messages: Total 36 Updates 2 Refreshes 0 Octets 718 Output messages: Total 37 Updates 1 Refreshes 0 Octets 796 Output Queue[0]: 0 (inet.0, inet-unicast) Peer: AS 65100 Local: AS 65100 Type: Internal State: Established (route reflector client)Flags: <Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Options: <Preference LocalAddress Cluster AddressFamily Rib-group Refresh> Address families configured: inet-unicast inet-vpn-unicast route-target Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Number of flaps: 0 Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 Group index: 0 Peer index: 1
show bgp neighbor(don't-help-shared-fate-bfd-down이 구성됨)
user@host> show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 200 Local: unspecified AS 65017 Group: one Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: master Type: External State: Idle Flags: <PeerInterfaceError> Last State: NoState Last Event: NoEvent Last Error: None Options: <Preference PeerAS Refresh> Options: <BfdEnabled> Options: <DontGRHelpFateSharingBfdDown> Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Number of flaps: 0 Trace options: bridge Trace file: /var/log/bgp-log size 131072 files 10 Peer: AS 200 Local: unspecified AS 65017 Group: one Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: master Type: External State: Idle Flags: <PeerInterfaceError> Last State: NoState Last Event: NoEvent Last Error: None Options: <Preference PeerAS Refresh> Options: <BfdEnabled> Options: <DontGRHelpFateSharingBfdDown> Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Number of flaps: 0 Peer: AS 200 Local: unspecified AS 65017 Group: two Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: master Type: External State: Idle Flags: <PeerInterfaceError> Last State: NoState Last Event: NoEvent Last Error: None Options: <Preference PeerAS Refresh> Options: <BfdEnabled> Options: <DontGRHelpFateSharingBfdDown> Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Number of flaps: 0
show bgp neighbor(CLNS)
user@host> show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65200 Local: AS 65100 Type: External State: Established Flags: <ImportEval Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Options: <Multihop Preference LocalAddress HoldTime AddressFamily PeerAS Rib-group Refresh> Address families configured: iso-vpn-unicast Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Number of flaps: 0 Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 Peer index: 0 NLRI advertised by peer: iso-vpn-unicast NLRI for this session: iso-vpn-unicast Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Table bgp.isovpn.0 Bit: 10000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 3 Received prefixes: 3 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Advertised prefixes: 3 Table aaaa.iso.0 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart is complete Send state: not advertising Active prefixes: 3 Received prefixes: 3 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Last traffic (seconds): Received 6 Sent 5 Checked 5 Input messages: Total 1736 Updates 4 Refreshes 0 Octets 33385 Output messages: Total 1738 Updates 3 Refreshes 0 Octets 33305 Output Queue[0]: 0 (bgp.isovpn.0, iso-vpn-unicast) Output Queue[1]: 0 (aaaa.iso.0, iso-vpn-unicast)
show bgp neighbor(레이어 2 VPN)
user@host> show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65536 Local: AS 65539 Type: External State: Active Flags: <ImportEval> Last State: Idle Last Event: Start Last Error: None Export: [ BGP-INET-import ] Options: <Preference LocalAddress HoldTime GracefulRestart AddressFamily PeerAS Refresh> Address families configured: inet-unicast Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Number of flaps: 0 Peer: AS 65539 Local: AS 65539 Type: External State: Active Flags: <ImportEval> Last State: Idle Last Event: Start Last Error: None Export: [ BGP-L-import ] Options: <Preference LocalAddress HoldTime GracefulRestart AddressFamily PeerAS Refresh> Address families configured: inet-labeled-unicast Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Number of flaps: 0 Peer: AS 65069 Local: AS 65069 Type: Internal State: Established Flags: <ImportEval> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Options: <Preference LocalAddress HoldTime GracefulRestart AddressFamily Rib-group Refresh> Address families configured: inet-vpn-unicast l2vpn Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Number of flaps: 0 Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 NLRI for restart configured on peer: inet-vpn-unicast l2vpn NLRI advertised by peer: inet-vpn-unicast l2vpn NLRI for this session: inet-vpn-unicast l2vpn Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Restart time configured on the peer: 120 Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300 Restart time requested by this peer: 120 NLRI that peer supports restart for: inet-vpn-unicast l2vpn NLRI peer can save forwarding state: inet-vpn-unicast l2vpn NLRI that peer saved forwarding for: inet-vpn-unicast l2vpn NLRI that restart is negotiated for: inet-vpn-unicast l2vpn NLRI of received end-of-rib markers: inet-vpn-unicast l2vpn Table bgp.l3vpn.0 Bit: 10000 RIB State: BGP restart in progress RIB State: VPN restart in progress Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 10 Received prefixes: 10 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table bgp.l2vpn.0 Bit: 20000 RIB State: BGP restart in progress RIB State: VPN restart in progress Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 1 Received prefixes: 1 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table BGP-INET.inet.0 Bit: 30000 RIB State: BGP restart in progress RIB State: VPN restart in progress Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 2 Received prefixes: 2 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table BGP-L.inet.0 Bit: 40000 RIB State: BGP restart in progress RIB State: VPN restart in progress Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 2 Received prefixes: 2 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table LDP.inet.0 Bit: 50000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart in progress Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 1 Received prefixes: 1 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table OSPF.inet.0 Bit: 60000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart in progress Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 2 Received prefixes: 2 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table RIP.inet.0 Bit: 70000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart in progress Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 2 Received prefixes: 2 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table STATIC.inet.0 Bit: 80000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart in progress Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 1 Received prefixes: 1 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table L2VPN.l2vpn.0 Bit: 90000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart in progress Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 1 Received prefixes: 1 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Last traffic (seconds): Received 0 Sent 0 Checked 0 Input messages: Total 14 Updates 13 Refreshes 0 Octets 1053 Output messages: Total 3 Updates 0 Refreshes 0 Octets 105 Output Queue[0]: 0 (bgp.l3vpn.0, inet-vpn-unicast) Output Queue[1]: 0 (bgp.l2vpn.0, inet-vpn-unicast) Output Queue[2]: 0 (BGP-INET.inet.0, inet-vpn-unicast) Output Queue[3]: 0 (BGP-L.inet.0, inet-vpn-unicast) Output Queue[4]: 0 (LDP.inet.0, inet-vpn-unicast) Output Queue[5]: 0 (OSPF.inet.0, inet-vpn-unicast) Output Queue[6]: 0 (RIP.inet.0, inet-vpn-unicast) Output Queue[7]: 0 (STATIC.inet.0, inet-vpn-unicast) Output Queue[8]: 0 (L2VPN.l2vpn.0, inet-vpn-unicast)
show bgp neighbor(레이어 3 VPN) (OCX 시리즈에서는 지원되지 않습니다.)
user@host> show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65045 Local: AS 65045 Type: Internal State: Established Flags: <ImportEval> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Export: [ match-all ] Import: [ match-all ] Options: <Preference LocalAddress HoldTime GracefulRestart AddressFamily Rib-group Refresh> Address families configured: inet-vpn-unicast Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Flags for NLRI inet-labeled-unicast: TrafficStatistics Traffic Statistics: Options: all File: /var/log/bstat.log size 131072 files 10 Traffic Statistics Interval: 60 Number of flaps: 0 Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 NLRI for restart configured on peer: inet-vpn-unicast NLRI advertised by peer: inet-vpn-unicast NLRI for this session: inet-vpn-unicast Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Restart time configured on the peer: 120 Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300 Restart time requested by this peer: 120 NLRI that peer supports restart for: inet-vpn-unicast NLRI peer can save forwarding state: inet-vpn-unicast NLRI that peer saved forwarding for: inet-vpn-unicast NLRI that restart is negotiated for: inet-vpn-unicast NLRI of received end-of-rib markers: inet-vpn-unicast NLRI of all end-of-rib markers sent: inet-vpn-unicast Table bgp.l3vpn.0 Bit: 10000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 2 Received prefixes: 2 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table vpn-green.inet.0 Bit: 20001 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 2 Received prefixes: 2 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Last traffic (seconds): Received 15 Sent 20 Checked 20 Input messages: Total 40 Updates 2 Refreshes 0 Octets 856 Output messages: Total 44 Updates 2 Refreshes 0 Octets 1066 Output Queue[0]: 0 (bgp.l3vpn.0, inet-vpn-unicast) Output Queue[1]: 0 (vpn-green.inet.0, inet-vpn-unicast) Trace options: detail packets Trace file: /var/log/bgpgr.log size 131072 files 10
bgp neighbor neighbor-address 표시
user@host> show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65035 Local: AS 65035 Type: Internal State: Established (route reflector client)Flags: <Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Options: <Preference LocalAddress HoldTime Cluster AddressFamily Rib-group Refresh> Options: RFC6514CompliantSafi129 Address families configured: inet-vpn-unicast inet-labeled-unicast Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Flags for NLRI inet-vpn-unicast: AggregateLabel Flags for NLRI inet-labeled-unicast: AggregateLabel Number of flaps: 0 Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 BFD: disabled NLRI advertised by peer: inet-vpn-unicast inet-labeled-unicast NLRI for this session: inet-vpn-unicast inet-labeled-unicast Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Restart time configured on the peer: 300 Stale routes from peer are kept for: 60 Restart time requested by this peer: 300 NLRI that peer supports restart for: inet-unicast inet6-unicast NLRI that restart is negotiated for: inet-unicast inet6-unicast NLRI of received end-of-rib markers: inet-unicast inet6-unicast NLRI of all end-of-rib markers sent: inet-unicast inet6-unicast Table inet.0 Bit: 10000 RIB State: restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 4 Received prefixes: 6 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table inet6.0 Bit: 20000 RIB State: restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 0 Received prefixes: 2 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Last traffic (seconds): Received 3 Sent 3 Checked 3 Input messages: Total 9 Updates 6 Refreshes 0 Octets 403 Output messages: Total 7 Updates 3 Refreshes 0 Octets 365 Output Queue[0]: 0 (inet.0, inet-unicast) Output Queue[1]: 0 (inet6.0, inet6-unicast) Trace options: detail packets Trace file: /var/log/bgpgr size 131072 files 10
bgp neighbor neighbor-address 표시
user@host> show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65501 Local: AS 65500 Type: External State: Established Flags: <Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: Cease Export: [ export-policy ] Import: [ import-policy ] Options: <Preference HoldTime AddressFamily PeerAS PrefixLimit Refresh> Address families configured: inet-unicast inet-multicast Holdtime: 60000 Preference: 170 Number of flaps: 4 Last flap event: RecvUpdate Error: 'Cease' Sent: 5 Recv: 0 Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 60000 Keepalive Interval: 20000 Peer index: 0 BFD: disabled, down Local Interface: fxp0.0 NLRI advertised by peer: inet-unicast inet-multicast NLRI for this session: inet-unicast inet-multicast Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Table inet.0 Bit: 10000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 8 Received prefixes: 10 Accepted prefixes: 10 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Advertised prefixes: 3 Table inet.2 Bit: 20000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 0 Received prefixes: 0 Accepted prefixes: 0 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Advertised prefixes: 0 Last traffic (seconds): Received 357 Sent 357 Checked 357 Input messages: Total 4 Updates 2 Refreshes 0 Octets 211 Output messages: Total 4 Updates 1 Refreshes 0 Octets 147 Output Queue[0]: 0 (inet.0, inet-unicast) Output Queue[1]: 0 (inet.2, inet-multiicast) Trace options: all Trace file: /var/log/bgp size 10485760 files 10
show bgp neighbor neighbor-address(BGP Graceful Restart 활성화됨)
user@router> show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65100 Local: AS 65100 Type: Internal State: Active Flags: <> Last State: Idle Last Event: Start Last Error: None Options: <Preference LocalAddress AddressFamily Rib-group Refresh> Options: <LLGR> Address families configured: l2vpn Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 NLRI l2vpn: Number of flaps: 6 Last flap event: Restart NLRI we are holding stale routes for: inet-vpn-unicast Time until stale routes are deleted or become long-lived stale: 00:01:57 Time until end-of-rib is assumed for stale routes: 00:04:43 Table bgp.l3vpn.0 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart is complete Send state: not advertising Active prefixes: 0 Received prefixes: 7 Accepted prefixes: 7 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table foo.inet.0 Bit: 30000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart is complete Send state: not in sync Active prefixes: 0 Received prefixes: 7 Accepted prefixes: 7 Suppressed due to damping: 0
show bgp neighbor neighbor-address(BGP Long-Lived Graceful Restart)
user@router> show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65100 Local: AS 65100 Type: Internal State: Active Flags: <> Last State: Idle Last Event: Start Last Error: None Export: [ foo ] Options: <Preference LocalAddress Refresh GracefulRestart> Options: <LLGR> Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Number of flaps: 3 Last flap event: Restart Error: 'Cease' Sent: 0 Recv: 1 Time until long-lived stale routes deleted: inet-vpn-unicast 10:00:22 route-target 10:00:22 Table bgp.l3vpn.0 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart is complete Send state: not advertising Active prefixes: 0 Received prefixes: 7 Accepted prefixes: 7 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Table foo.inet.0 Bit: 30000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete RIB State: VPN restart is complete Send state: not in sync Active prefixes: 0 Received prefixes: 7 Accepted prefixes: 7 Suppressed due to damping: 0
bgp neighbor orf neighbor-address detail 표시
user@host > show bgp neighbor orf detail Peer: Type: External Group: ext1 inet-unicast Filter updates recv: 1 Immediate: 1 Filter: prefix-based receive Received filter entries: seq 1: prefix minlen 32: maxlen 32: match deny: inet6-unicast Filter updates recv: 0 Immediate: 1 Filter: prefix-based receive Received filter entries: *:*
bgp neighbor 논리 시스템 표시
user@host > show bgp neighbor logical-system ITR1 Peer: AS 65536 Local: AS 65500 Description: MX1 Type: External State: Established Flags: <ImportEval Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None .... Table inet.0 Bit: 10000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 1 Received prefixes: 1 Accepted prefixes: 1 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Advertised prefixes: 10 Stale prefixes: 4: <=new, line only appears if count is non-0 It is the Number of prefixes marked as stale; LLGR-stale prefixes: 5: <=new, line only appears if count is non-0 It is the Number of prefixes marked as LLGR-stale
bgp neighbor 출력 대기열 표시
user@host > show bgp neighbor output-queue Peer: AS 65103 Local: AS 65102 Output Queue[0]: 0 (inet.0, inet-unicast) Priority 1 : 0 Priority 2 : 0 Priority 3 : 0 Priority 4 : 0 Priority 5 : 0 Priority 6 : 0 Priority 7 : 0 Priority 8 : 0 Priority 9 : 0 Priority 10: 0 Priority 11: 0 Priority 12: 0 Priority 13: 0 Priority 14: 0 Priority 15: 0 Priority 16: 0 Expedited : 0
bgp neighbor validation-statistics 피어 표시
user@host > show bgp neighbor validation-statistics Valid Routes: 432 Routes invalid due to max-length: 646 Routes invalid due to origin-as: 21 Unknown routes: 5353
show bgp neighbor(세그먼트 라우팅 트래픽 엔지니어링)
user@host > show bgp neighbor run show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65100 Local: AS 65100 Group: toB Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: master Type: Internal State: Established Flags: <Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Options: <Preference LocalAddress> Address families configured: inet-segment-routing-te Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Local AS: 65100 Local System AS: 0 Number of flaps: 0 Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 Group index: 0 Peer index: 0 I/O Session Thread: bgpio-0 State: Enabled BFD: disabled, down NLRI for restart configured on peer: inet-segment-routing-te NLRI advertised by peer: inet-segment-routing-te NLRI for this session: inet-segment-routing-te Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300 Peer does not support Restarter functionality Restart flag received from the peer: Notification NLRI that restart is negotiated for: inet-segment-routing-te Peer does not support LLGR Restarter functionality Peer supports 4 byte AS extension (peer-as 65100) Peer does not support Addpath Last traffic (seconds): Received 17628 Sent 25 Checked 17628 Input messages: Total 2 Updates 0 Refreshes 0 Octets 82 Output messages: Total 1 Updates 0 Refreshes 0 Octets 19 Trace options: all Trace file: /var/log/bgp.log size 10485760 files 10
show bgp neighbor(rib-sharding 구성된 경우)
user@host > show bgp neighbor rib-sharding main Peer: AS 65001 Local: AS 65001 Group: toFeeder Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: master Type: Internal State: Established Flags: <Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Options: <Preference LocalAddress Refresh> Options: <ConnectRetryInterval> Options: <GracefulShutdownRcv> Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Graceful Shutdown Receiver local-preference: 0 Number of flaps: 0 Threads related state: Internal State: Thread sync complete Peer UP acknowledgement received from Update Thread Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 Group index: 0 Peer index: 0 SNMP index: 0 I/O Session Thread: bgp-updio-2 State: Enabled BFD: disabled, down NLRI for restart configured on peer: inet-unicast NLRI advertised by peer: inet-unicast NLRI for this session: inet-unicast Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300 Peer does not support Restarter functionality Restart flag received from the peer: Notification NLRI that restart is negotiated for: inet-unicast NLRI of received end-of-rib markers: inet-unicast NLRI of all end-of-rib markers sent: inet-unicast Peer does not support LLGR Restarter functionality Peer supports 4 byte AS extension (peer-as 65001) Peer does not support Addpath NLRI(s) enabled for color nexthop resolution: inet-unicast Table inet.0 Bit: 20002 RIB State: BGP restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 0 Received prefixes: 0 Accepted prefixes: 0 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Advertised prefixes: 0 Last traffic (seconds): Received 7 Sent 11 Checked 3910 Input messages: Total 145 Updates 1 Refreshes 0 Octets 2759 Output messages: Total 135 Updates 0 Refreshes 0 Octets 2569 Output Queue[1]: 0 (inet.0, inet-unicast) Output Queue[1]: 0 (inet.0, inet-unicast) (Main/Shards)
show bgp neighbor(crpd에 rib-sharding이 구성된 경우)
user@host > show bgp neighbor rib-sharding junos-bgpshard14 Peer: AS 65100 Local: AS 65100 Description: To_Adolf Group: G101_V4 Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: master Type: Internal State: Idle (route reflector client)Flags: <> Last State: Established Last Event: Stop Last Error: None Import: [ Block_bgp ] Options: <Preference LocalAddress HoldTime Cluster AddressFamily Rib-group Refresh> Options: <GracefulShutdownRcv> Address families configured: inet-unicast inet-vpn-unicast inet6-vpn-unicast route-target Local Address: Holdtime: 10 Preference: 170 Graceful Shutdown Receiver local-preference: 0 Number of flaps: 1 Last flap event: Stop Peer: AS 65100 Local: AS 65100 Description: To_stonepark Group: G201_V4 Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: master Type: Internal State: Idle (route reflector client)Flags: <> Last State: Established Last Event: Stop Last Error: None Import: [ Block_bgp ] Options: <Preference LocalAddress HoldTime Cluster AddressFamily Rib-group Refresh> Options: <GracefulShutdownRcv> Address families configured: inet-vpn-unicast inet6-vpn-unicast route-target Local Address: Holdtime: 10 Preference: 170 Graceful Shutdown Receiver local-preference: 0 Number of flaps: 2 Last flap event: Stop Trace options: all Trace file: /var/log/aaaaaa size 1073741824 files 10
show bgp neighbor(drop-excess <percentage> 옵션이 구성되고 구성된 최대 구성 비율을 초과하지 않습니다.)
user@host > show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65100 Local: AS 65100 Group: ibgp Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: master Type: Internal State: Established (route reflector client)Flags: <Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Import: [ list_based_on_as ] Options: <LocalAddress KeepNone Cluster AddressFamily PrefixLimit Rib-group Refresh> Options: <GracefulShutdownRcv> Address families configured: inet-unicast Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Graceful Shutdown Receiver local-preference: 0 Prefixlimit configured for NLRI: inet-unicast Limit: 800000 Action: Drop excess Number of flaps: 0 Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 Group index: 0 Peer index: 0 SNMP index: 0 I/O Session Thread: bgpio-0 State: Enabled BFD: disabled, down NLRI for restart configured on peer: inet-unicast NLRI advertised by peer: inet-unicast inet-vpn-unicast inet-vpn-multicast NLRI for this session: inet-unicast Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300 Peer does not support Restarter functionality Restart flag received from the peer: Notification NLRI that restart is negotiated for: inet-unicast NLRI of received end-of-rib markers: inet-unicast NLRI of all end-of-rib markers sent: inet-unicast Peer does not support LLGR Restarter functionality Peer supports 4 byte AS extension (peer-as 65100) Peer does not support Addpath NLRI(s) enabled for color nexthop resolution: inet-unicast Table inet.0 Bit: 20000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 800000 Received prefixes: 800000 Accepted prefixes: 800000 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Advertised prefixes: 29788 Last traffic (seconds): Received 1 Sent 0 Checked 538 Input messages: Total 137090 Updates 137070 Refreshes 0 Octets 17371127 Output messages: Total 23022 Updates 23001 Refreshes 0 Octets 3539841 Output Queue[1]: 0 (inet.0, inet-unicast) Trace options: send refresh Trace file: /var/log/bgp_refresh size 5242880 files 10
옵션을 구성할 때 이와 유사한 출력이 hide-excess <percentage>
표시되며 구성된 최대 비율을 초과하지 않습니다. 이 샘플 출력은 및 accepted-prefix-limit
구성 명령문 모두에 prefix-limit
적용할 수 있습니다.
show bgp neighbor(drop-excess <percentage> 옵션이 구성되고 구성된 최대 백분율을 초과합니다.)
user@host > show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65100 Local: AS 65100 Group: ibgp Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: master Type: Internal State: Established (route reflector client)Flags: <Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: None Import: [ list_based_on_as ] Options: <LocalAddress KeepNone Cluster AddressFamily PrefixLimit Rib-group Refresh> Options: <GracefulShutdownRcv> Address families configured: inet-unicast Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Graceful Shutdown Receiver local-preference: 0 Prefixlimit configured for NLRI: inet-unicast Limit: 800000 Action: Drop excess Number of flaps: 0 Dropped prefixes - Exceeded configured prefix-limits Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 Group index: 0 Peer index: 0 SNMP index: 0 I/O Session Thread: bgpio-0 State: Enabled BFD: disabled, down NLRI for restart configured on peer: inet-unicast NLRI advertised by peer: inet-unicast inet-vpn-unicast inet-vpn-multicast NLRI for this session: inet-unicast Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300 Peer does not support Restarter functionality Restart flag received from the peer: Notification NLRI that restart is negotiated for: inet-unicast NLRI of received end-of-rib markers: inet-unicast NLRI of all end-of-rib markers sent: inet-unicast Peer does not support LLGR Restarter functionality Peer supports 4 byte AS extension (peer-as 65100) Peer does not support Addpath NLRI(s) enabled for color nexthop resolution: inet-unicast Table inet.0 Bit: 20000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 800000 Received prefixes: 800000 Accepted prefixes: 800000 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Advertised prefixes: 29788 Prefix-limit dropped routes NLRI: inet-unicast count: 27850 Last traffic (seconds): Received 1 Sent 0 Checked 538 Input messages: Total 137090 Updates 137070 Refreshes 0 Octets 17371127 Output messages: Total 23022 Updates 23001 Refreshes 0 Octets 3539841 Output Queue[1]: 0 (inet.0, inet-unicast) Trace options: send refresh Trace file: /var/log/bgp_refresh size 5242880 files 10
user@host > show bgp neighbor Threading mode: BGP I/O Default eBGP mode: advertise - accept, receive - accept Groups: 1 Peers: 2 Down peers: 0 Table Tot Paths Act Paths Suppressed History Damp State Pending inet.0 1629784 829784 0 0 0 0 bgp.l3vpn.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bgp.l3vpn.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peer AS InPkt OutPkt OutQ Flaps Last Up/Dwn State|#Active/Received/Accepted/Damped... 65100 137070 23013 0 0 8:49 Establ inet.0: 800000/800000/800000/0
이 샘플 출력은 및 accepted-prefix-limit
구성 명령문 모두에 prefix-limit
적용할 수 있습니다.
show bgp neighbor(hide-excess <percentage> 옵션이 구성되고 구성된 최대 백분율을 초과합니다.)
user@host > show bgp neighbor Peer: AS 65100 Local: AS 65100 Group: ibgp Routing-Instance: master Forwarding routing-instance: master Type: Internal State: Established (route reflector client)Flags: <Sync> Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive Last Error: Cease Import: [ list_based_on_as ] Options: <LocalAddress KeepNone Cluster AddressFamily PrefixLimit Rib-group Refresh> Options: <GracefulShutdownRcv> Address families configured: inet-unicast Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170 Graceful Shutdown Receiver local-preference: 0 Prefixlimit configured for NLRI: inet-unicast Limit: 800000 Action: Hide excess Number of flaps: 1 Last flap event: Stop Error: 'Cease' Sent: 1 Recv: 0 Hidden prefixes - Exceeded configured prefix-limits Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90 Keepalive Interval: 30 Group index: 0 Peer index: 0 SNMP index: 0 I/O Session Thread: bgpio-0 State: Enabled BFD: disabled, down NLRI for restart configured on peer: inet-unicast NLRI advertised by peer: inet-unicast inet-vpn-unicast inet-vpn-multicast NLRI for this session: inet-unicast Peer supports Refresh capability (2) Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300 Peer does not support Restarter functionality Restart flag received from the peer: Notification NLRI that restart is negotiated for: inet-unicast NLRI of received end-of-rib markers: inet-unicast NLRI of all end-of-rib markers sent: inet-unicast Peer does not support LLGR Restarter functionality Peer supports 4 byte AS extension (peer-as 65100) Peer does not support Addpath NLRI(s) enabled for color nexthop resolution: inet-unicast Table inet.0 Bit: 20000 RIB State: BGP restart is complete Send state: in sync Active prefixes: 799908 Received prefixes: 827581 Accepted prefixes: 799908 Suppressed due to damping: 0 Advertised prefixes: 29826 Prefix-limit hidden routes NLRI: inet-unicast count: 28484 Last traffic (seconds): Received 0 Sent 0 Checked 1028 Input messages: Total 140272 Updates 140232 Refreshes 0 Octets 17794222 Output messages: Total 46362 Updates 46324 Refreshes 0 Octets 6473287 Output Queue[1]: 0 (inet.0, inet-unicast) Trace options: send refresh Trace file: /var/log/bgp_refresh size 5242880 files 10
user@host > show bgp neighbor Threading mode: BGP I/O Default eBGP mode: advertise - accept, receive - accept Groups: 1 Peers: 2 Down peers: 0 Table Tot Paths Act Paths Suppressed History Damp State Pending inet.0 1657319 829736 0 0 0 0 bgp.l3vpn.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bgp.l3vpn.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peer AS InPkt OutPkt OutQ Flaps Last Up/Dwn State|#Active/Received/Accepted/Damped... 65100 140669 46482 0 1 18:46 Establ inet.0: 799916/827583/799916/0
이 샘플 출력은 및 accepted-prefix-limit
구성 명령문 모두에 prefix-limit
적용할 수 있습니다.
릴리스 정보
Junos OS 릴리스 7.4 전에 소개된 명령입니다.
Junos OS 릴리스 9.2 버전에 소개된 옵션.
Junos OS 릴리스 11.4 버전에 소개된 옵션.
Junos OS 릴리스 16.1 버전에 소개된 옵션.
은(는) options
Junos OS 릴리스 18.3R1의 명령 출력 필드에 추가됩니다.
, PurgeInProgress
, 및 PurgeImpatient
은(는 Flags
) Junos OS 릴리스 19.4R1의 명령 출력 필드에 추가됩니다.
cRPD 릴리스 20.1R1 버전에 소개된 옵션.
Prefixlimit configured for NLRI
, , , Acceptedprefixlimit configured for NLRI
, Warning percentage
및 Count
필드는 Junos OS 릴리스 21.2R1의 출력에 show bgp neighbor
Prefixlimit configured for NLRI
, , , , Warning percentage
Acceptedprefixlimit configured for NLRI
및 Count
필드는 Junos OS Evolved 릴리스 21.3R1의 출력에 show bgp neighbor