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CLI Configuration Mode

To configure the device, including system parameters, routing protocols, security, interfaces, network management, and user access, you must enter configuration mode. In configuration mode, the CLI provides commands to configure the device, load a text (ASCII) file that contains the device configuration, activate a configuration, and save the configuration to a text file.

You enter configuration mode by entering the configure operational mode command. The CLI prompt changes from user@host> to user@host#.

To view a list of configuration mode commands, type a question mark (?) at the command-line prompt. (You do not need to press Enter after typing the question mark.)

user@host# ?
Possible completions:   Enter                Execute this command   activate             Remove the inactive tag from a statement   annotate             Annotate the statement with a comment   commit               Commit current set of changes   copy                 Copy a statement   deactivate           Add the inactive tag to a statement   delete               Delete a data element   edit                 Edit a sub-element   exit                 Exit from this level   help                 Provide help information   insert               Insert a new ordered data element   load                 Load configuration from ASCII file   quit                 Quit from this level   rename               Rename a statement   rollback             Roll back to previous committed configuration   run                  Run an operational-mode command   save                 Save configuration to ASCII file   set                  Set a parameter   show                 Show a parameter   status               Show users currently editing configuration   top                  Exit to top level of configuration   up                   Exit one level of configuration   wildcard             Wildcard operations

The JUNOS software configuration consists of a hierarchy of statements. There are two types of statements: container statements, which contain other statements, and leaf statements, which do not contain other statements. All the container and leaf statements together form the configuration hierarchy.

Each statement consists of a fixed keyword and, optionally, an identifier that you define, such as the name of an interface or a username.

To configure the device or to modify an existing configuration, you add statements to the configuration with the edit and set configuration mode commands. For more information about the CLI configuration editor and configuration mode, see the JUNOS software configuration guides.

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