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Disabling Commit Scripts

If you do not want a commit script to run, you can disable it by deleting or deactivating it in the configuration. Deleting a commit script permanently removes it from the configuration. To run the script later, you must reenable the script as described in Enabling Commit Scripts. Deactivating a commit script disables the script until you activate it later.

To delete a commit script:

  1. From configuration mode in the CLI, enter the following command:
    user@host# delete system scripts commit filename.xsl
  2. Commit the configuration:
    user@host# commit
    commit complete

To deactivate a commit script:

  1. From configuration mode in the CLI, enter the following command:
    user@host# deactivate system scripts commit filename.xsl
  2. Commit the configuration:
    user@host# commit
    commit complete

    Note: You can later reactivate the commit script using the activate system scripts commit filename.xsl command.

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